2- The beginning

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I run like my dad had told me, my mother already bleeding to death in the kitchen where she was making tonight's dinner.

I turn the corner and run up the stairs and into the side attic. The opening fit for a child, me.

"Hide! Don't let them get you! Don't lis-" my father's voice cut off with what sounded like water.. No.. Blood.

"Daddy!" I screamed, which is my first mistake. I shut the door as the pounding of the intruders bloody boots come up the hardwood stairs. Much louder then my bare feet.

I crawl to the far corner and curl up, a blanket already in here. I grab it and hide under it. Trying to make myself as small as possible, like a mouse hiding from a cat.

It went silent before the door was ripped of its hinges and throws to the side, creating something to fall over and make a loud bang, but not loud enough to cover my panicked scream.

I turn around quick and try to pry the small window open, it not much bigger then me. If I get out, I'll be safe from them.. I can run and hide. Fend for myself how daddy showed me...

The small frame moves and I push it up, I look back to see the dark haired man glare at me through the door as he crawled in. I crawl out and make my way across the roof. Over to the rope my father had tied to the house connecting it to my treehouse.

"Get back here you little shit!" The guy yelled with an accent I don't know.

I hold back the tears wiping my face free from the salty water. I lean and grab the rope ready to hang upside down and crawl across, the only thing scaring me is the thought of that man making it out here and grabbing me before I get the chance to run.

I make it across and climb in through the window, thankfully I have clothes in here. I close the hatch my father had made and slide the bolt across decreasing the chances of him making it in.

I run to the small chest built around the tree, I open one of the four doors and pull out pants a shirt and light yet warm jacket that will keep me warm even if its winter. I reach in the one next to that and grab a small bag. Identification showing who I am clothes some non perishable goods and a few knifes. I reach in and make sure my father's Journal is tucked away in the back before putting the bag on and sneaking out the window from the intruder.

I take a deep breath and slowly unlatch the door peaking down before quiet yet quickly climbing down.

'Not much further' my mind tells me as I make a break for the woods that stretches around the back side of the house.

"You can't hide forever Keira, the 'little dark one'" he came out the door waving around his knife, flinging blood around the yard.

I turn back and run further into the woods, heading straight for the cabin

Rock In Peace; James ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now