1- Adrenaline

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I sit back and watch as some 'bandits' run around looking for me. Of course I have already killed half of their fleet but they just don't seem to quit.

I stand up and take out my sword, before sneaking behind what looks to be their leader and slicing off his head. The few who saw ran shouting

"C'mere you fucking bitch!" I grin chasing them down and killing them one by one. Leaving their bodies to soak in their ever pooling blood.

I laughed manically as I walked out. Sure, I'm forced to do what I do, but I've taken a liking doing it.

I wipe my blade off and put the still sharp sword back into its cover before walking a mile down the road to my car.

Another bonus? They pay me for killing.

Pretty boss job.

I mean who am I kidding, it comes natural. But before the end there's always a beginning.

Rock In Peace; James ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now