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Standing alone. In silence. In peace. The darkness closing in as I watch my lifeless body from above. The girl I once was, can no longer be. The pain and tortures of this life have spilled my blood. My dark soul watches in horror, for nothing can be done. No, I don't believe it. I can come back , I have a chance. A chance to prove who I am, the new me, not the old. The girl I've always wanted to be. NO! No. No. I can't be anything. I don't have a chance. I'm fighting, but I just keel drowning in a thick red coppery liquid. The flames burn my flesh. My soul watches, unmoving. Am I truly dead? My phantom chases it's fleshy shell. It's too late. I'm too far gone. Gone in the flames. Gone in the pain. Gone in the dark, the peace, the silence. Headed for sweet despair.

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