Wake Up Call

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  • Dedicated to Baby

"Baby wake up!" she jumps onto his lap while he's sound asleep with a laugh. He groans.

"Babe, what the hell?"

"I'm sorry" she giggled, kissing his neck "I made pancakes but..."

"I'm going back to sleep." he groaned, grabbing her by the waist and flinging her down beside him as he rolled over to go back to bed.

"No, No, No." she laughed,  squirming beside him and trying to pull out of his sleepy grip "You're getting up, cause I made pancakes!"

"You ate the chocolate stuff didn't you?"

"Yes, but that's not the point."

He squeezed her tightly to his side and chuckled as she laid back down in defeat. He wasn't letting go of her for anything.

"I made bacon too."

He pulled her up out of bed, kissing her quickly and lovingly, before pulling her onto his back and piggy-backing her out to the kitchen. "Let's go get some bacon babe."

"I knew that would wake you up." she grinned, kissing his neck again as he smiled.

As they trotted out to the kitchen she dropped down besides him "but..I have to show you something before you can eat." She giggled.

He stopped in his tracks, turning and looking at her with a puzzled look, "And what is this something?"

She grinned, "do you remember what the very first thing you got me was?"

"Of course I do! Romeo." He smiled, knowing that the bear he had brought her for their first Valentines day still sat on their bed every day and night.

"Ok, not that, the next thing."

He looked at her and he she quickly realized he didn't remember.

"The ring you bought for me silly!" She piped up. She was referring to the silver ring he had brought her shortly after their 2 month anniversary, with love inscribed on the outside.

"Oh yeah!" He remembered buying her that ring to try to impress her and get her to like him. "I haven't seen that thing in years, I thought you lost it when we went tubbing on the lake."

"Well.." She said with a half smile on her face. "I thought I did too, but yesterday I found it."

"That's great!"

"I know" she said giving him a big kiss, "it reminds me of our engagement ring"

He smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

After a while he leaned back, "lets go before the pancakes and bacon get cold"

"Good idea, because your eating it whether it's cold or not." she joked.

And with that they enjoyed their first morning as an engaged couple.

Thanks to my friend who helped me write this, I couldn't have done it without you <3

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