AFFA: Chapter 8

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Hey there everyone. Next chapter here and  I just want to tell you, please comment. I love hearing what you have to say and it makes me sad when I don't hear what you guys think about my chapters.

Thanks and enjoy!


Chapter 8

The person was leaning over me and held a pillow tightly over my face.

Their body was tall and very muscular, giving me signs the person was male. He had his knees on my arms, pinning them down from lashing out on him, and he rested his weight on me to pull me down even more.

I woke up as he put the pillow over my face, but I still couldn't catch a glimpse of their face. It was dark and they seemed to be wearing a hood. Instead, more darkness came, a different one from sleeping or being unconscious.

I couldn't breathe, and this guy seriously outweighed me by at least 50 pounds. There weren't much people in the school who were like that my age, so it must be someone older. And more experienced. Now it wasn't just the lack of air that made me panic, but that someone was actually trying to kill me before I even graduated.

Was it someone from the school, one of the teachers? Or was it an outsider? But what would an outside want to do with someone like me? What had I done to them? I've never even stepped out of the school grounds. What could someone possibly want to do with me?

The air was really lacking, and my screams were muffled. Yes, I did scream. I thought there was people were patrolling my room, if they heard me they would come in and help me. Unless this person really was from the school and they were in on it too. But I didn't stop to think about that when I started to yell. My body shook under him, trying to get him off of me.

It was useless.

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang and I froze. I also felt the other guy on top of me stiffen, and I started thrashing again, trying to catch him off guard. It didn't work though; he still had the lock on me. I thought I heard someone enter and someone say something, but since that person didn't seem like a threat to the guy on top of me, I worried that the guy was in on it too, here to quickly finish me off.

But no, without warning, the guy jumped off of me and I threw the pillow off of me. I started gasping for air, coughing when I got too much in at one time. It was overwhelming for me to have so much air when just a second ago I was sure I was going to die.

 I looked around my room though. My door was thrown open, and I realized it was that what made the noise and there was someone else here. There were two men in my room, standing and facing each other, and it was immediately obvious that they were not working together. And one of them I knew.

Jack was there, staring at my attacker. I knew it wasn't Jack who had come first because he didn't have the same weight and body structure I felt on me. I learned to feel someone's structure and weight incase I ever had to fight in the dark. And hell was it useful right now.

"Anna, get out of here right now," Jack told me.

I didn't like being told what to do. And that distracted Jack for half a second, which was enough time for the other guy to attack him.

Jack was outweighed, but it seemed like he had speed. He dodged the guy’s attack but the guy was also very skilled and didn't hesitate to change directions and attack Jack again. He caught jack, grabbing him and giving him one hard push to the wall. They vibrated at the impact and I winced as Jack lost his balance. But then he regained it and lounged at the guy, going on the offense. The guy easily went onto the defense, and although it was rough and fast, they seemed to fight with ease and elegance, as if they knew what the other one was going to do.

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