Chapter 10~ Remember

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~Zacks pov~

A dream. It had to have been a dream. I remember bits of the day before, seeing a strange world and meeting a vampire, but that sounds so unrealistic, something that could only happen in a dream, right?

I grip my bed sheets, taking a look around my room. I'm safe in my room. I must have fallen asleep late, and it caused me to have a weird dream. But I get the feeling it's not that simple.

"Some water..that'll wake me right up." With a yawn, I climb out of bed, slipping on my slippers to avoid the cold floor this early in the morning. After making my way into the kitchen and getting a glass of water, I scurry back into my room. Hopefully, the sheets are still warm so that I can get some more sleep in.

Setting the glass on my nightstand, something sparkly catches my eyes. A marble. "I don't remember having this.." I know I like to collect shiny items I find when I'm at work or taking a stroll through town, but I would surely remember each item. Without giving it much thought, I open the drawer in my nightstand and dump the marble in there, taking another sip of my water and finally getting back under my covers.

Maybe this time, I won't have any weird dreams.


A week has gone by. And there's a weird itch at the back of my mind. It's like if there's something I want to remember but just can't.

"You're spacing out again." Sofia's voice cuts through my lost thoughts, I groan at being called out for the millionth time today. I can't help it but it's annoying not being able to remember something that clearly is there.

I stop working on folding shirts, leaning against the wall behind me. "I'm trying not to. Urgh." I rub away at my eyes, there must be some clue that I'm just not seeing. "Ever feel like you know something, but you don't?"

Sofia looked at me like if I was crazy. I probably am. Or at least I think I'm driving her crazy actually. For a whole week I've been bringing this up, I even told her about my weird dream. After hearing my rambling, Sofia suggested that maybe my dream is what I want to remember. Yet I refuse to believe that.

Sofia in turn gave a roll of her eyes, sipping at her straw cup that contained some pink fruity drink, scrolling away on her phone. I took that as her ignoring my dumb question again, with a shake of my head I returned to folding the shirts.

Today was a slow day, too slow for a Friday, usually people get their paychecks today and fill the place up. The quiet was pleasant though, it gave me enough time to keep digging through my thoughts.

The ding of movement at the front entrance gets both of our attention, a guy entered the store getting straight to browsing around. And almost like if it was planned Sofia's phone goes off, signaling that its time for her break. She gives me a grin before heading into the back room, leaving me alone to man the front.

I put the folded shirts away and headed over to the register, the guy already standing there ready to be checked out. "Hello, do you have a rewards account?" As I'm looking at him, he looks pretty good-looking. With brown curly locks of hair, fair-skinned, and nicely dressed for someone around my age.

The guy shakes his head to my question, and as I wait for him to hand over whatever item he wants to buy to me- he never does. Both of us just standing there in awkward silence. But before I could speak up, he beats me to it.

A grin on his face, "Cinder is waiting for you. Best if you hurry up."

For a moment his eyes seem to glow, my head pulsing into a headache. First customer of the day turns out to be some creepy dude, great. I think I kept my eyes closed for too long because when I open them back up, he's gone.


The rest of my shift went by without any more creeps. A couple customers here and there. I picked up some food on my way home, hanging my keys on the hook that was neatly placed on the wall by the front door. Hardly ever used it, but today felt like a must. I let out a sigh after kicking my shoes off. Nothing beats getting out of your shoes after standing for so long.

Wasting no more time, I rushed up into my room, changing out of my clothes and into some fresh clean lounging wear. I sat on my bed and turned my TV on, digging into the bag that contained me food. I unwrapped the burger, lifting the bun to make sure it was made correctly. I wasn't picky, but warm tomato on a burger wasn't my favorite.

Before I could take a bite, I felt my head pulse, that headache from earlier coming back. "Pills. I hope I still have some." Reaching over from my bed to the nightstand, I pull the drawer open, rummaging through its contents with one hand. I find the bottle, but its cap is off and completely empty.

I know it was full. The pills must have spilled out. I reach back in there, feeling around for a pill or two. My fingers latch onto something round, I don't remember the pills being this round or big, but my curious mind wins, so I pull the little object out. "It's that marble from this morning.." Right, I had placed it in there with the rest of the knickknacks I have.

Another pulse to my head. This time, I see vivid flashes of my dream, no... not a dream. "It's fucking real." That stuff really did happen, being taken by a vampire. The whole beloved crap. Telling him I would think it over, but it's been a week. I haven't been able to think anything over because I couldn't...or rather, wouldn't, remember.

"There's absolutely no way I can go back." I squeezed the marble in my hand. The sounds from my TV felt distant to me, my burger now was forgotten in its wrapper on my bed. He can wait another day, right? I need a day at least to think about it. The week I was given was useless. "Oh fuck it. He will wait." This time I put the marble where I can see it, no doubt it'll keep me from forgetting again if I keep my eyes on it. Sorta on it. I really want to watch my show while eating.

One more day is fine.


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Sorry it took me long to update!

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