Chapter 1- Without Her

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It was Monday, I was supposed to be at dance right now, but I couldn't face it. I knew I'd have to go tomorrow, without her. It would be awful, hard. I would probably cry the whole time, and Abby would tell me to save my tears for my pillow. I wouldn't though, I knew I wouldn't be able to. I walked upstairs, saying good night to my mom. I climbed into bed, not bothering to change out of my damp, bloody clothes. They were wet, from tears, and bloody, from her blood, from my blood. The car accident that had killed my sister, and part of me. The car accident that I had caused. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. 

"BROOKE!" My mom screamed, waking me up. I expected Paige to be there, in the doorway, waiting for me. But she wasn't. It was my fault. I pushed the memories back, and got in the burning shower. I felt amazing against my skin, washing the blood away, but stinging the stitches on my arm and cheek. 

I got out of the shower, and pulled on a blue long sleeve crop top with a lace back with a black sports bra under, and black shorts. I pulled on my ALDC sweats, pink Columbia fleece, and my black tall Bailey Button UGGs. I put on a little makeup, so if I cried it wouldn't smudge. I put my hair in a French braid, and walked downstairs. My mom's eyes were puffy, and I knew she was thinking about her, too. I reached for my dance bag, which was next to hers, and started crying. I wiped away the tears, and my mom smiled at me, giving me a hug. I ate a pancake, and grabbed my phone, flinching. I hadn't touched it since the accident. I had texts from almost everyone in my contacts saying they were sorry. One stuck out, though. 

723-471-2378: Hi Brooke. This is Jacob. I'm so sorry to hear what happened. I will be praying for you and your family. See you at dance! (Hopefully) 

I sucked in a breath, and blushed. I loved Jacob. He was hot, blond hair, green eyes, tan, buff. A swimmer and dancer, may I add. I texted him back. 

Me: Thank you so much. I am coming to dance... Still really sad. See you there! 

Jacob Ellsworth: No prob. I'm glad your coming! You were the second to top in the pyramid, I'm in the group with u guys and Nick. We have a duo and you have a solo. 

Me: Thanks for letting me know! I'm almost there, c u there! :) 

Jacob Ellsworth: Anytime! C you there! ;) 

We pulled up to ALDC, and I grin pulled on the edges of my mouth. Jacob always made me smile.  

As I pulled open the doors, a wave of sadness hit me. Paige wasn't there, next to me. She was gone. I started to cry. As I walked into the dancer's den, all the girls hugged me, crying. Kenzie was bawling, the tears staining her hot pink and purple tye dye crop top. Her eyes were red and puffy. She wasn't the closest to Paige, but she was the youngest, the most fragile. She was 10, old enough to get it. Paige was gone. I started to cry, and I saw Maddie bawling, and Chloe next to her, rubbing her back, while crying. I pulled off my sweats, and jacket, and started stretching. When I tried to do a back bend, it hurt my stitches. I kept going, doing a backbend kick over. I started to cry a little when I remembered when Paige got her backbend kick over. 



Paige smiled at me, her three year old face surrounded by wispy blond fly-a-ways that had come out of her ponytail. Her blue eyes sparkled, she was excited. 

"Brookie!" She called, going into a backbend.  

It was summer, the summer after she had started dance. In our back yard, the green grass provided a soft surface to practice acro tricks. Josh ran around, chasing a soccer ball. He had gotten bored with acro. We wanted to go swimming in the pool, but our mom had told us to wait. We were in one piece swim suits, mine was light blue, with little white daisies, and Paige's was pink with white daisies. 

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