Chapter 5

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1 Month later...

"Oh Rythian please wake up!" Zoeya pleaded on the brink of tears, for what seemed like the millionth time.

Lalna began pacing around the room, as he had been doing for the past month. After the Livid incident Rythian slipped into a coma, no one knew why. Despite a few water burns and cuts, he was rather healthy in Hines sight.

Lalna suspected it had something to do with magic. It was the only option they had left. Something to do with magic had done this to the Mage. And it was all his fault.

"Lalna. I know what you're thinking" Zoeya sighed thoughtfully, looking at the scientist.

"Huh?" He replied, distracted and distant.

"It's not your fault. It wasn't you, it was Livid"

"But it is my fault!"


"Livid was and is a part of me! If-if..."

"If you were never born this wouldn't have happened?" she interrupted, annoyed. "Lalna if you were never born Minecraftia wouldn't be half the place it is now! "The mushroom enthusiast exclaimed, walking forward and shaking the man's shoulders.

"But don't you see. It's my fault the old world is gone. It's my fault you lost your arm. It's my fault your home is a crater" Glancing at Rythian he continued, "and it's my fault Rythian is in a coma!"

"No it's not Lalna! It's Livid's fault! Just because he was a part of you does not mean it becomes your fault." Zoeya insisted. "Gosh, Lalna! When did you become so thick-headed?!"

Lalna gave up arguing with her and went back to pacing and checking Rythian's monitors.

"Come on Lalna you need to sleep" Zoeya yawned.

"N-no I'm fine. I don't need to sleep" Lalna replied attempting to conceal a yawn.

"Lalna, Go. To. Sleep. NOW" she growled like she was scolding a small child, "you look horrible."

"That's nice" he joked.

"Please Lalna. Just for a few hours? Please?" She pleaded with her puppy dog eyes causing a laugh from Laln.

"Fine but only for an hour or two."

"Good! Now off you go, I'll watch Rythian"

Lalna slowly left the room, not wanting to leave the mages side, but complied for Zoeya's sake.

It was still his fault.

Lalna didn't sleep well. He tossed and turned as the events that he-Livid, Livid had caused over the years, mainly to Rythian. Focussing constantly on how Rythian fell to the ground and didn't awake. Not even after a month.

Lalna's eyes shot open and he quickly got out of bed to go and check on Rythian. Something felt off. As he neared the medical bay, he heard a long steady beep.

"Oh, Notch, no" his eyes widened in horror. He broke into a sprint and practically threw the door off its hinges to find Zoeya in a sobbing heap constantly calling Rythian's name.

Instinctively Lalna rushed over to the monitors and quickly assessed what was happening.

"Zoeya go and get Xephos! Please hurry!" Zoeya nodded and swiftly left the room still in tears. He needed her out of the room, just in case.

Lalna panicked and got the defibrillator and prepared to use it.

"Charging... Charging... Come on why does it take so long!" Lalna huffed, holding the two pieces of metal tight.

"Charged!" With that he pressed the cold metal against Rythian's chest causing his body to jump up at the sudden volt of electricity coursing through his veins. The obnoxious, steady beeping ceased and showed his heart had restarted. Thank Notch.

Lalna flopped into a nearby chair and let out a sigh of relief. Rythian was fine, for now.

He heard hurried footfalls approaching the room. Lalna stood up, adjusting the goggles on his head and turned to the doorway. He was met with the confused eyes of Zoeya and strangely the glowing indigo eyes of Xephos.

Before he could react Zoeya was already hovering over the Mage, seemingly relieved to see him breathing.

"Uhh what happened? Zoeya said Rythian stopped breathing..." Xephos started, looking deeply concerned.

"He did, but a bit of electricity always helps" Lalna joked back in an attempt to ease the tension building in the room.

"Uhh Xephos, sorry to pry, but why are your eyes still Indigo? You said it went away..." The scientist asked sheepishly.

"What?! They're not indigo. They've been blue for weeks!" Xephos was more than surprised at my question.

"Sorry to break it to you but they're indigo again"

"What? They were blue when I found him" Zoeya piped in, wanting to help in any way.

"But... How?" Xephos' face turned worried.

"When did they stop being indigo?" Lalna asked

"Uhh after when we thought Rythian was going to wake up and didn't, I guess"

"Hmmm..." Lalna went into his thinking position, tapping his chin, "what happened when they first turned indigo again?"

"Rythian showed me where he was..."

"Ah hah! I get it now!" Lalna called triumphantly, only to meet two confused faces.

Lalna sighed as if he were annoyed, "Rythian has made a link to Xephos' mind!"

"What?!" The spaceman and mushroom girl exclaimed in union.

"I think Xephos is able to enter Rythian's mind. I think it can only happen when your eyes are indigo though. So we have to hurry!" Lalna seemed happy for the first time since the Livid incident.

The old Lalna was back.

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