Chapter 4

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Livid stumbled and fell back to the floor, hitting his head on one of his machines in shock from the sudden burst of energy in his mind.

The room started to spin and Livid's mind went black, Lalna's mind didn't.

Lalna had magic but he preferred science so he never used it, but when his friends needed his help he had to defy himself.

As Lalna concentrated his eyes began to glow even more golden and his fingertips grew so hot, they had small flames tickling his palms.

Lalna's eyes flew open and he looked around. He had done it, he was back in control.

He glanced around looking for Rythian, shakily getting to his feet. He finaly caught sightof the enderborn, he was in the same state as before.

Lalna ran up to him and began unting the ropes. He began to fumble with the bonds, but found his efforts useless, so he decided to turn off the water going through them which he did with success. As the ropes quickly dried, with the help of Lalna, he could see the difference in Rythian's face. There was much less pain in it, even though he was still unconscious and was feeling who knows what else.

Xephos and honeydew sprinted into the castle, weapons at the ready.

"Rythian!" Xephos began screaming out, finding his way around the area.

"Lalna!" Honeydew also called.

They stopped for a moment to listen for a reply and heard nothing.

"We have to go down in the basement" the spaceman informed his friend

"You do that and I'll make sure hes not in one of the upper levels" the dwarf replied running over to a teleporter before Xephos could protest, he was gone.

"Damnit Honeydew..." The sapceman muttered and ran to the basement.

"It's alright Rythian" Lalna cooed, "I'll get you out of here- what was that" he turned and saw a figure coming down the stairs.

"Xephos?..." The figure paused and looked up, "Xephos! Help me untie Rythian!" Lalna turned back to the ropes and tried again to loosen them.

Xephos' reply was unexpected. He shoved Lalna to the ground and began yelling at him.

"Xephos please! It's me no-not livid" tears began falling down Lalna cheeks.

"Prove it!" Xephos' tone wasn't as harsh this time

"I-I cant prove it. I don't know how much Livid knows, probably everything!" the tears kept falling. He kept his hands up in front of him, showing the spaceman he was unarmed but Xephos was a trained fighter and would not let his guard down, even after he was sure of something.

"I know... everything" that voice in the back of Lalnas mind caused him to freeze instantly, emerald eyes widening in terror.

"Xephos you need to get out of here... NOW" Lalna pushed Xephos off himself and began backing away holding his head, eyes sparking again and fingers growing hot.

"No I'm not going to leave you! Or Rythian" Xephos retorted, edging towards the scientist, sword still at the ready.

"You-have-to-go... Arrrgggh!" Lalna collapsed to his knees and began to shake violently, his eyes flickering and burning out.

"Lalna?..." The spaceman reached out to his friend cautiously.

"STOP. Get OUT, NOW! Livid is-is-!" more screams filled the air as Lalna's hands fell from his head and his eyes turned red momentarily, before turning a darker shade of emerald.

"You fools! You can't stop me" The demon threw a hand at the spaceman and with that Xephos was thrown against a wall and knocked unconsciou, sword clattering on the floor.

The Mage began to stir, and once again opened his eyes weakly. He looked around, having heard a clang and saw Xephos lying motionless against the wall. Rythians eyes widened.

An uncontrollable groan escaped the mages lips as his weight shifted causing a bout of pain through his body. Livid bolted around seeing the mage and smiled smugly.

"Did you have a nice sleep princess?" Livid taunted, striding towards the enderborn.

"Wha-what did you do to Xephos" his voice was soft and he was surprised the maniac had even heard him.

"Don't worry, he's the least of your problems" The demon stated, rolling his eyes.

Rythian tried, once again, to move his hand, but to his surprise, this time there was no burn of water to his skin. He looked over and saw his restraints dry and slightly loosened. He shifted his raw hands around managing to slip them out slightly.

As Livid was repreping the magic extraction machine Rythian felt a surge of energy as his magic regenerated and returned to him. He smiled his devilish grin as he began to float where he was once restrained.

He laughed at the horror on Livid's face, who dropped his toll in pure fear. The mage cast a spell that left Livid trapped in a bubble of sorts. The Mage was about to cast another spell when a familiar voice broke through his thoughts.

"Rythian! Wait don't kill him, Lalna is still in there!" Rythian turned to see Xephos stumbling over to him, leaning on his sword, with a glow of worry in his indigo eyes.

Rythian nodded so that the spaceman knew he was heard and acknowledged, but cast the spell anyway.

Livid's eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body fell limp on the floor.

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