Chapter 6: Drama

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hiya everyone! :) :) lol it's leah (obvs). so i took a littl poll the other day to figure out if everyone is for team kale or team noah. and it looks like everyone said noah! <33 (just about, at least). so yeah... i promised to write more of noah, but FIRST i wanted to have a chapter entirely for kale. because, well, he's important, too. building up the plot, ya see? hehe :) so i'll write more noah next time, promise, loves! <33 hahah, please vote. the more votes, the better i'll write ;) LOVE YA!


Chapter 6: Drama

(Kale’s POV)

Great, I think as I step out of my car, that’s just classy, Liv. I see Liv walking through the parking lot with Noah. It’s clear that Noah had given her a lift to school. I really don’t understand that girl, but at the same time, I understand her far too well. She made such an effort yesterday to get me to go to the movies with her, but today, here she is dragging along her new pet.

If anything, I feel bad for Noah. He’s a good friend of mine, we’re not too close, but he’s pretty chill. It’s easy to see that he’s falling for Liv’s trap. I just want to grab his shoulders and shake him out of her trance. I can easily see how that can happen though, she is gorgeous after all, and hell, if I didn’t know any better, I’d probably fall for her, too.

When I lock my car, I notice Chloe across the parking lot talking to Ty. Ty, Ty, Ty, tisk tisk! Don’t you know she’s mine? I smile and stroll over to her. When she notices me walking over, she hides behind her curtain of brown hair. Awe, is little Chloe blushing? She’s too cute. I push my sunglasses up to rest on the top of my hair.

“Hey,” I say coolly, sliding my arm around her.

“Back off,” she barks, shoving my arm off her.

I just laugh at her frustration. I turn to Ty.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Nothing, nothing,” he answers with a tinge of sarcasm lingering in his voice. “I’ll catch ya later, dude.”

He smirks at us and turns for the school. Ty’s also a cool guy, I don’t really converse with him that much, but we’d easily get along.

“Me too,” Chloe mutters and tries to shuffle by.

“Hey, hey, where you going?” I step in front of her.

“Class,” she says curtly.

Her brown eyes wander off to look at the parking lot pavement.

“So, what were you and Ty talking about?” I take another step closer to her.

Her impulsively takes a step back. “Nothing.”

“You coming to his party Friday?”

“No. I’m busy. Look, can I just go to class?”

Busy my ass. I feel myself getting slightly frustrated. Never have I ever had to make such an effort with a girl before. She’s so different—so intriguing. I like it. Chasing’s fun. My frustration easily alters to excitement and I smile at her.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I slowly raise my hand to caress her cheek. “If you kiss me, I’ll let you go to class.”

She stares at me for half a moment as if she’s actually considering it, but her expression quickly turns to anger and slaps my hand away. Ouch, I think sarcastically. She crosses her arms and slips around me. I decide to let her go for now, she’ll come around eventually.

I take my sunglasses and place them back in front of my eyes. I follow behind her at a slower pace, as not to be seen as some sort of obsessed stalker. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see girls stealing glances at me. Not now, ladies, I’ve got a girl on my mind. It’s nothing against the other girls, but they’re all too… well, easy.

I push through the school doors right in time to see Ty planting a kiss on Liv’s cheek. I grind my teeth together. How many guys does this girl plan on stringing along? Can’t one be enough for her? Now she’s planning on making me her next victim? She’s sick. Really sick.

I guess I’m not much better considering I used her yesterday to make Chloe jealous by giving her a ride home. I shouldn’t care though, she uses guys all the time, it’s about time somebody gives her a taste of her own medicine. Shit. This isn’t cool.

I walk by, surprisingly without her noticing me. I stop at my locker to grab my books and then head over to class. On the way there, I keep my eyes open for Chloe, but I don’t spot her anyways, so I just shrug it off and go to class.

I take my seat next to the window in the back of class—last thing I want to be is the kiss-ass who sits front and center. The first bell still hasn’t rung, so the class is only half-full, but I have no interest in lingering in the hallway talking right now. Just then, Noah walks through the door. He looks slightly disoriented but other than that, fine. He spots me in the back of class and walks in my direction.

“Hey,” I say as he takes a seat next to me.

“Hey, Kale,” he replies, dropping his face to the desk. “How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Get every girl in the whole damn school tripping over you.”

I chuckle. “Skill.”

“Ugh…” his voice trails off.

“Liv’s no good for you anyways.”

He picks his head up. “Coming from the guy who drove her home yesterday.”

“True.” I don’t feel like arguing.

Just then the bell rings and people start pouring into the classroom. One of these many people happens to be Liv’s friend, Carly. He eyes me and then walks over to me. Well aren’t I just Mr. Popular today? She takes the seat in front of me, and spins around to talk. I hold back a sigh, I really don’t need Carly becoming Liv’s wingwoman on me.

 “Sup, Carly?” I ask first.

 “I heard about yesterday.” She winks playfully.

Shit. Liv told her about the kiss, didn’t she? Olivia Beckett, I’m going to kill you. Okay, so I have to admit, I did fall into her trap yesterday, but you can’t blame me, right? Hell, I knew the kiss was going overboard, but something about the way Liv looked yesterday and her attitude… I regret it now, my objective was to make Chloe jealous, not go off kissing Olivia Beckett. Not to mention, poor Noah is sitting next to me. I just have to play it cool.

“What of it?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Oh nothing,” she answers in a sing-song voice.

Noah snaps his eyes to look at Carly, trying to figure out what happened, but I just let the conversation drop. I’m not going to talk about it, and if I give off the right vibe, Carly should know better than to, too. After a moment of silence, I determine she does. Without anything further, the bell rings and class begins.

Second day of school and I’m already knee-deep in drama.

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