Chapter 6- The End

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I have reached the lake. And i've just noticed something. It will be very hard to swim with one arm! I look back. I can see the creature in the distance, I can't turn back now. I've got to risk it.

Stepping out into the water. At every step the water gets deeper and deeper, it's up to my waist now. I guess I should try swimming. Swimming with one arm is quite tricky but I have no choice! I can't touch the bottom. I'm nearly at the edge now, all I i'll need to do is get out of the water then i'll be saved! Shit! A huge splash came from behind me. I looked back. The creature is rapidly swimming after me. I feel like giving up, I feel like I should just drown now since I will be dead soon anyway. But I can't give up, i'm nearly there! All i've done, get wet, lose my heel and my arm to stay alive. Trust me I'm not going to die I tell myself  and started swimming again.

Yes! At the edge the creature is getting closer now. One leg up! Two legs up! And yes! I'm out of the water I look around. I can't see the creature. I scream!!!! The creature had came up from under the water right in front of me and has grabbed holed of my arm and trying to pull me back into the water! "HELP! HELP!" I scream to some people on the other side of the woods. They can't see me but I can see them. "HELP! HELP!" I scream again just to make sure they hear me. I turn back to the creature it's eyes look determind. Determind to get me. My legs feel like there about to collasped, my arm feels like I should stop pulling and just be eaten. I scream again! My feet have slipped and i'm now on the floor. The crature is realing me in like a fish on a hook. This is all over. If i'm going to die then i'm going to die. Just then I feel two pairs of hands grabbing hold of my body ,pulling me away from the creature and standing me on my feet. I turn round to see one boy from my class er Eddie one of Tylors mates, and his Dad umm... Billy. They look more shocked than I did! I see Eddie has his phone in his hand, I take it off him and took a picture of the creature just so people belive my story when I tell them. But his camera has the flash on, it really spooks the creature and it swims back to the other side of the lake then runs  into the deep forest. I turn back to Eddie and his dad they just stare at me in a way that makes me feel like a freak then everything is black...oh great I fainted!...

Everything is light again! I look around. I see doctors and nures running around all over the place. Then I see my Mum, Dad and my little sister, Libby! "Oh Amy i'm so glad your alright!" Mum cries

"What the hell has happened to you?" Worries Dad looking at my missing arm.

"Erm... i'll tell you when we get home"

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