Chp. 6 - Truth or Dare

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Jake's POV

I woke up lying on a plush armchair in a strange house. I looked around and saw Dylan opposite me in a matching armchair and Rena and Stephanie on the couch. Oh right, this was Stephanie's place, we came here after we went to the hospital. I looked back to see Dylan up and slightly confused. I groaned ever so loudly waking the other two.

'What time is it?' Stephanie groaned.

'Around 7:30.' I said looking at my watch.

'Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?' Stephanie asked. We all nodded in agreement.

'I have to go. Thanks for the bandages.' Dylan announced walking out the door

'Awkward..' Rena mumbled 'So any one up for truth or dare?'

'Awe yea.' I said smirking.

'I'm fine with it.' Steph said. 'Imma get the bottle.'

We were all laughing as Rena spun the bottle and it landed on me.

'Ok i triple dare us to...' I said looking through Steph's fridge. I pulled out two bottles, one containing tomato sauce and another containing barbeque sauce. I held a smug expression on my face as i got out three cups and filled them to the tip with bbq and tomato sauce.

'I am not drinking that!' Rena cried looking horrified. She was so cute, even when she was scared.

'Aww c'mon! its just barely a teacup!' I whined.

'Fine.. Pass us those spoons.' She said, clearly upset. I passed her a couple spoons where she passed one to Steph. Steph almost immediately finished the whole thing but choked before she could. I put spoonfuls i my mouth and finished before i knew it.

'Yum!' I said with a smirk on my face as i took a mental picture of her face. 'Just eat it! It's not that bad!' I tried to comfort her but i knew it actually tasted like shit, i guess i just have steel stomach.

Rena's POV

I watched, terrified as Steph took the cup and nearly gulped the whole thing down before she choked. I looked over to Jake who was already done.

'Yum!' He joked. I just stared in utter horror. 'Just eat it! It's not that bad!'

I took a spoonful and tasted it, eurgh gross. 'Im not finishing this... please! I'll do a double take on the next dare and ... umm... i do a truth right now! Please!!' I wailed desperately. 

'Fine.' Jake said as my face literally lit up 'But you have to have another spoonful.'

I, gladly,  did as he asked. 'Ok, truth, What are you afraid of?' Jake asked.

'Err.. I'm shit scared of spiders and bugs like cockroaches but ants are fine and friggin' ugly birds... and....' As i was still thinking of another fear, thunder struck and i shook the house. I noticed, after the thunder died out finished, that i was holding onto Jake for dear life. I looked up and smiled lightly.

'..and I'm guessing thunder too huh?' He said in a joking manner 'Umm Rena? You're kinda strangling me..' 

I let go quickly and looked to the ground trying not to blush or at hide that I was blushing.

'Ok, I'd better start on dinner.' Steph said walking towards the kitchen and taking out a bunch of pots. 'Carry on without me!' 

 'Ok..' Jake said, suspenseful. 'I dare us to do a prank call BUT remember.. you have to do a double take.' He grinned evilly. 

'Ok I'll use your phone since most of my new friends' phones have caller ID.' I said snatching his phone, he just nodded. 'Does Alex have your number?' He shook his head grinning at whatever thought he was having.

I dialed Alex's number and put it on speaker

'Hello? is this the Greene's residence?' I said with my best professional voice.

'Umm, yes Dana speaking.' She said. I hate to have to do this but...

'Well Miss Dana, I would like to inform you that your son, Alex Greene, has borrowed a book from the local library called Puberty for Dummies, it is exactly a month overdue and we would like for your son to return it as soon as possible.'

'I think you have the wrong number..'

'If I am connected to Alex Greene's residence than I think I have the right number.'

'I guess i'll have to have a talk with Alex tonight.'

'Alright, have a good night.' I said hanging up the phone. We stared at each other for a moment and we burst out laughing. We laughed until we cried or at least until we were laughing so much it was silent and we were sitting there hitting the ground with scrunched up faces. 'Man is Alex gonna be surprised when he has The Talk with his mum!' I said as I finally stopped laughing. 'Ok your turn.' I added, wiping a tear from my face.

'Wait... I ... can't breathe.' He said coughing as he hit his chest.  'I'm good, pass me the phone.' I did as he asked.

He put the phone on speaker like I did. 


We heard the loudest squeal ever accompanied by what sounded like her tripping.

'Please tell us your name and address so we can mail it to you.'

'Ok my name is Lauren Parker and i live at 43 Krill street, Sydney.'

'Ok then, be waiting on February the 30th when we mail the tickets to you! Have a good night!' He said hanging up. 'Your turn again.' He handed the phone to me.

I dialed Calen's number, yet again putting it on speaker.

'Well good day sir!' I jeered putting on my best british accent. 'Would you like to buy a sex slave? There is no catch, we will even throw in a 50% discount! After that you can do whatever the hell you fantasize about to your purchase. So would you like the offer?'

'Erm.. as..'tempting' as that sounds I must decline...' He said in an uneasy manner.

'But sir this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get spanked, tied up and toyed with for the rest of your happy life!!' I didn't even have to wait for his answer, he just hung up.

'I think i'd like to take you up on that offer.' Jake joked resulting in me frowning and smacking the back of his head.'

'Dinner's ready!' Steph yelled much to our delight as we ran over and almost trampled over her as we shoved everything into our mouths hungrily. 'Leave some for me!' she joked.


Many thanks to my dirty minded sister who helped me with these prank calls. I warned you people at the start. ;P and im sorry its not much of a romance chap but it is crucial. i promise the net one will have lots of Dylan in it.


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