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Riley POV:
My heart starts racing, pumping loudly in my chest as I see everyone looking at me from every angle in the room.  I can feel my face flushing red as I twiddle my fingers and hope that the ground will swallow me up already. 

"James loves Riley!"  West yells from across the room, "ha Gay!" causing laughter from everyone in the room. 

Suddenly an uproar of chatter begins as I grab James' wrist and pull him out of the room and into the kitchen, looking straight forward and walking quickly. 

As soon as we enter, I slam the door and glare at him. 

"What was that all about then hm?  Trying to embarrass the socially awkward one for a laugh?"  I begin, raising an eyebrow and folding my arms across my chest.

He looks at me apologetically and gulps, not really knowing what to say. 

"But, I just answered the question Riley-"

"Yeah sure, because James the Jock would definitely do something like that to a girl who fyi already has a boyfriend."

"Riley you need to stop pretending."  His voice goes stern as he moves closer to me, "You and Daniel are over 500 miles apart and you broke up a long time ago-"

"Yeah and then there's you flirting with every girl in sight of course.  Caitlin, Maya, Abby, Josie, Sadie... and I even watched Chloe try to kiss you the other day.  So stop playing the innocent boy in love when all you're doing is using me.  Urgh."  I pace out, grabbing my jacket and running straight out of Tess' house. 

James POV:
My head starts spinning, as I stand still, watching Riley get into her car and drive off out of the window.  Shamefully, I walk back into Tess' living room, awaited by everyone looking at me. 

"Tess where's the alcohol."  I ask. 

"Ooh, did James get rejecte-"  Tess starts, laughing.

"I said WHERE'S THE ALCOHOL?" I shout, causing complete silence. 

"In the top cupboard."  Tess stutters, going slightly scarlet as I pace back into the kitchen, finding seven bottles of beer. 

Downing every bottle in anger and dispair. 

I rest my head in my hands, leaning on the table and crying desperately. 

And then West walks in.

"I'm sorry bro-" He starts, putting his hand on my shoulder, but I shake it off.

"L...leave it,"  I slur "she's g...gone now anyway so it doesn't ma...matter."

"You good though man?  You sound a bit... ill."

"I'm f...fine!"  I say sternly. 

Charlie enters the kitchen gestures West to leave.  West leaves. 

"So Riley doesn't like you then?"  Charlie says. 

"S...stop man-"

"But she is pretty beautiful though.  I'm pretty sure she'd date me in an instant."

I stand up fully, shocked by his stupid words. 

"You absolutely w...wish."  I say angrily, the anger rushing inside of me, "You d...don't even kn...know her like I do-"

"Well, she's pretty, what else matters to a guy, lets be honest here-"

"You don't treat Riley like that, you hear me!?"

"Yeah I hear you, but I'm pretty sure Riley wouldn't listen to a f*ckboy like you anyway.  I better get going.  See you round."

And then Charlie leaves.  Like that. 

What a d*ck. 

Drunk Mistakes {Jiley}Where stories live. Discover now