Chapter 9

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(Andy's P.O.V.)

It's week two of tour and it's been really hard not having Em here with me all the time. I've been thinking about signing her up for school after we're done with this tour. I'm just worried about people bullying her or using her because she has famous parents.

"Andy? You okay?" I snap out of my trance and see Ashely has his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just thinking." I scratch the back of my neck. Ashley helps me up and pulls me into a hug. The sweet smell of his cologne fills my lungs. It's always so comforting and calming when he holds me, I don't know what makes it so comforting about it, but he just makes me feel so safe. I feel tears coming, why? I hug him tighter as tears stream down my face. "Hey, whats wrong?" Ashley coos setting me down on the couch. "I don't know." I say sobbing violently. He runs his fingers through my hair and pulls me into another warm embrace. I calm down slowly and rest my head on his shoulder. "Thanks Ash, you make me feel like I'm the only man in the world." I look up and smile at him. He looks down at me, faces inches apart. I can feel his breathing on my face. A blush creeps up on my face and I look down.Ashley immidietly puts his finger underneath my chin and moves my face to his. He crashes his lips to mine. Time stops, I feel as if all eyes are on us, this is our moment. But that feeling is quickly pushed away with the thought of Juliet in my mind. I pull away and look him dead in the eyes. "I love you, Andy." It just took those words to make me crash into his lips again. But only this time all eyes are on us. I quickly pull away and look behind me to see all the guys smiling and taking video with their phones. Ah fuck. "Ummm...I can expla-" I am quickly cut off by Jinxx,

"You don't have to. We will always support you no matter what." a smile breaks out in my face as well as Ashley's. I'm so glad this happened. Now I just need to figure out what I'm gonna do with Juliet.

(Emerald's P.O.V.)

In the two weeks the guys have been gone, I've gotten really close to Vic. We're just sitting on the couch watching movies (again), and I feel cramps come from my lower stomach. Oh shit. I run up to the bathroom and check my underwear. Well, I was not prepared for this. I put toilet paper in my underwear, pull up my pants, and walk downstairs.

"Vic?" I say bitting my lip.

"Yes?" he says looking up at me. I feel a hadcore blush creep on my cheeks. "Ummm, can we, like, go to the store?" I stutter looking at the ground. "Uh, sure. Why?" I was hoping he wouldn't say that, damnit. "Ummm, well...I just need...items....yeah." I say still not taking my eyes off of the ground. "Like what items?" he asks standing up and walking over to me. I don't even bother looking up at him. "Em, you okay?" he asks tilting my head upwards. I slap his hand away. "I'M ON MY GOD DAMN PERIOD SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE ME TO THE STORE!" I yell. I can see the look of shock on his face as it also turned red He runs to get the keys and we go to the store and get what we need.

****Skipping trip cause I'm lazy*****

"So, is this like, your first time?" Vic asks not taking his eyes off of the road.

"Yep." I say looking at him. The rest of the car ride was just one huge awkward silence.

As soon as we got into the driveway, Vic takes all of my things in fear of if he didn't, he would get his limbs chopped off. Vic got The Walking Dead started up on the tv and we got comfy. Since Vic was too embaressed to sit next to me, I scooted over to him and cuddeled up to his side. His tense body relaxed as I melted into his figure. "I love you, Vic" I say looking up at him. "Is that your hormones talking, or is it you speaking." Vic says raising his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at his remark. "A little of both." I giggle. "I love you too munchkin." he says kissing my forehead. I slowly drift into dreamless sleep.

Heyy! I'm not dead wooo! I literally have had 4 big projects in school in the time span of 2 weeks, so thats the main reason I'm not uploding a lot. The second reason is that I just like to put things off bc yeah. Anyway, who do you want Andy to have? Ashley, or Juliet? Comment 1 for Ashley or 2 for Juliet. Well, thanks for reading! Sorry if I spelled like everything wrong, I'm pretty rusty and it's also kinda 11:00 at night and thats pretty late for me since I like to go to sleep early. And guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 200 READS XD THATS AMAZING THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH :D Anyway, have a nice and goodbye!

(comment if you too, are a The walking Dead fan ^^)

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