Chapter 8

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(Emerald's P.O.V.)

Today I atcullay wake up to nothing, no one yelling at me, no one shaking me awake, just pure silence. I stretch and walk up to dad's room. I knock on the door, nothing. I walk in and nobody was in there. I did the same to everyone elses room but still, nothing. I guess I can be home alone for a while. I decide to text dad just so I know where they are

(Andy, Emerald)

Hey. Where are you guys?

Hey sweetie. Did no one tell you that we are on tour?


Will you be okay on your own for a little bit? I'm sending Vic over to watch you eery once in a while.


You okay Em?

Yeah, I'm fine. Bye dad<3

Okay, bye Em:)

How the hell did they forget to tell me that they are on tour? I have really bad anxiety when the people I love get taken away from me. At least Vic will be here. I open twitter and instantly regret it. I see the most horrid comments. People that don't even know me are leaving hate comments. I feel tears welding up in my eyes and my stomach drops. Uh oh, anxiety attack. I start to chock on my words and hyperventilate. I feel like someone has grabbed me by the neck and dragged under water. I hear the doorbell ring, thank god Vic's here. I run over to the door and frantickly open it. "V-vi-c" I mange to spit out. "Em, are you okay." Vic's face drops and his eyes widen. He engulfs me in his arms and whispers in my ear, "Breathe, breathe. Its gonna be okay. I promise." I slowly calm down and he pulls away from the hug. "You okay now?" He askes concern in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm good now. Sorry for givng you a hard time." a slight chuckle escapes my lips. "No its fine. I've had worse things happen when meeting new people." He giggles a little at the thought.

We've been watching movies for about five hours now, oops. I've learned a lot about Vic today, like he loves pizza and listens to Taylor Swift sometimes. "Do you want to get dinner now?" Vic askes. "Um, sure." Vic walks up to the kitchen and looks in the pantry. "You guys have no good foo- OH MY GOD!" I get starteled and run up to him. "Whats the matter?" Vic burts out in a fit of giggles. "You guys have pasta. I fucking LOVE pasta." I roll my eyes and sit back down on the couch. I turn on my phone and text Jake.

(E=Emerald J=Jake)

E: Heyy
J: Wassup
E: Just thinking of ways to kill you guys
J: Sorry we didn't tell you:( please don't kill us tho
E: Don't worry, I probably won't >:)
J: Anyway, how are you holding up with Vic?
E: Really well. I already had an anxiety attack today but I'm fine now:)
J: Good. Well I have to go play a show. ttyl bai<3
E: Bye<3

I put down my phone and walk over to the kitchen. The sent of smoke fills my lungs. I look at Vic and he is trying to blow out the flame that is bursting from the ppasta. "Vic, what the fuck?!?" I run grab a towl and bat the fire out. I look over at Vic and he sitting on on of the bar stools holding in laughter. "How did you manage to- you know what, I don't wanna know." I say giggling sitting on his lap. "Shall we go out to eat instead?" Vic askes. "pI'm not really hungry but okay." Vic raises his eyebrows. "You haven't eaten anything all day. You are going to eat." Vic says sternly. "Ugh, fine." I get off of his lap and Grab my phone.

Eh. Sorry for the bad chapter. I just started hell, I mean, school and I won't be able to update as much as I used to so yeah. Well, goodbye^^
(P.s. I have no idea what an panic attack is like so I just guessed so please don't call me out on it.)

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