Chapter 1

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(Sweet Youtube Cover, right? No? Okay, here's the book you want)

I didn't know him, but he knew me. And the look on his face told me I just broke his heart. The second boy didn't look any better.

"Y-you don't remember us?" The one with the chocolate eyes that could melt your heart asked. Someone better take this boy off the market because he is hot. I slowly shake my head and the look he gives makes me want to cry and to know him at the same time.

"I'm Cameron," the second boy says, sticking out his hand. "Cameron Dallas. We're brother and sister. How you got here was kind of a story," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I'm going to call mom and dad, but if you need anything, I'll be right out there," he said pointing to the hall.

"And then there were two," I mutter, causing the boy to crack a smile. It looked like a pity smile and that hurt quite a bit. He looked down at his hands and I wanted to scream at him to say something. Anything. It would be better than the dead air between us at least.

"I'm Shawn. Shawn Mendes," he said quietly, his voice breaking at the end.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"It's just... I thought I'd only have to say that to you once when we first met, but saying it again when so much has happened... it hurts," he whispers, biting his lip.

"Shawn?" I say quietly and he looks at me hopefully.

"Yeah?" He says, his eyes lighting up, making me want to kiss him right then and there.

"What were we?" I ask and his face falls completely. Suddenly, he looks exhausted and I feel bad.

"We were dating. Pretty serious. You were on your way to my house before..." His voice trailed off, leaving him searching for words.

"Before what?" I press. I know it's insensitive but I need to get answers right now.

"Before your accident. Your accident that sent you into a coma," he struggles with the last sentence, and, almost like an anchor is pressing him into the ground, he sinks into a chair. He balances his head precariously on his lap before he shudders. I don't know if he's crying or not, but I decide to leave him be. However, after five minutes, I feel like I'll go mad if we don't talk again so I decide to do the hardest thing first.

"Shawn?" I ask. He rolls his head to the side so he can see me.

"Yeah?" He asks, but he doesn't look as hopeful as the first time we did this routine.

"I think we need to talk," I say slowly and he takes a deep breath before standing up.

"What's up?" He asks, jamming his hands deep into his pockets, almost as if he's trying to reach to the floor below and pull himself through. He knows this won't end well.

"Shawn, no matter how close-" I'm interrupted by a crowd of swarming boys that enter and I feel the claustrophobia kicking in. They all back up and one at a time introduce themselves. Then the nurse comes to kick them out. And for the first time since I've been awake, I'm alone.


Shawn's P.O.V.

The whole ride home Cam is silent and I feel like crying. My own girlfriend doesn't remember me. Why me? I've been a good person! The only time I've ever done something bad was when I stole Aaliyah's muffin without asking and then lied about it. But you can't blame me because, A, I was ten and B, ITS A MUFFIN HOW CAN YOU NOT?! Cam dropped me off at my house and we exchanged a few short goodbyes. I dragged my feet up the soft, white, snow covered steps and into my house when the second I closed the door, I broke down. Sure, I could be strong for Ansley and I could be strong in front of the guys and Cam, but I was allowed to break down in my own house. My sister rounded the corner and found me laying on the snow covered floor mat, crying and shaking. She took my hand and pulled me into the kitchen where she poured me some coffee and handed me a box of Kleenex. I gratefully took the box and blew my nose while Aaliyah held me and I cried into her shoulder. After thirty minutes and mom and dad pulled into the driveway, I sucked in a few deep breaths and braced myself to tell my family the news.

"Sweetheart!" My mom called when she saw me. She ran in and hugged me tight while my dad just gave me a sad look and tousled my hair. "What's wrong?" My mom demanded and I sighed.

"Ansley woke up," I say and they nod. "But... she doesn't remember a thing."


A/N: Hola! I'M BACK!!! It has been forever since I updated and like, I just love this story so much that I had to update tonight! But yeah, so um thank you for waiting for this book, I know it killed a lot of you waiting for so long, but here it is! ALSO.... I UPLOADED MY FIRST EVER COVER TO YOUTUBE SO IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET THE LINK IS DOWN BELOW, IN MY BIO AND ITS ALSO ON THE THINGY ON TOP, WHICHEVER IS THE EASIEST FOR YOU! Goodnight, my loves, I'm back and this is going to be a good book.

With much love,

Anna Runyan

Youtube Link:

Remember to Forget (Sequel to Finding You) (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now