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Sitting in the shadow of the back porch, Stevie watched her girls playing in her pool. Seeing her daughter with her granddaughter was as if she was looking into a mirror into the past. There was so much that reminded her of twenty years ago. She had tried as much as she could to be with Sara and stay in Fleetwood Mac, but balancing her life as a single mother and the want to keep up with her career, not wanting to neglect either had been difficult.

There had been moments when she thought she would quit music altogether, especially when Sara had been a teenager. She loved her daughter to the moon, but Sara's teenage years had tested her patience more than anything else. And throughout the mid nineties Stevie had often wondered what might have been, had she made a different decision when she had found out she was pregnant. There had been moments when she had honestly wished she had decided differently. But then, when Sara and she hadn't been in that constant war for a moment, Stevie knew why this was more worth it than her career.

Rarely she allowed her mind to wander into another direction. As of lately, there were more and more days when her thoughts returned to that one place. Her management had told her about an offer, going on tour with Don Henley. What had possessed them to contact her about this, she didn't know. Everyone knew the state of their relationship. It was strained, to put it nicely. Still, ever since that offer had been made, Stevie couldn't stop herself from wondering what might have been.

What if Don hadn't acted like a complete fool? It wasn't even that Stevie had expected them to marry and live happily ever after. Just him being involved in his daughter's life would have made some things a lot easier.

"If I were you, I wouldn't think about him."

Snapping out of her thoughts, Stevie shook her head. She hadn't realized just how much she had drifted away from reality until Sara's voice brought her back, startling her.

"How do you know what I was thinking about." She asked.

"There's some... I don't know, but there's a really weird expression on your face every time you think about Don." Sara told her mother, sitting down next to her.

She was only talking to her mother, having her eyes firmly on her daughter, who might not be in the pool anymore, but could decide to jump right back in, any second. Amber loved water.

"Someone from his, or my people was insane enough to put an offer through to me to join him on tour." She explained. "I don't know what's going on in some people's minds."

"They do know about your history?" Sara shook her head.

"Our history has nothing to do with the fact that we are both making music..."

"That might be." She had to agree. "But it has everything to do with you being forced to deal with him on a way closer distance than on the phone for a longer period of time since, let me guess, before you found out about me?"

"We're all adults. Sara, I'm able to get along with Don. It's not that we'll someday be friends again, or whatever. But we can act civil around each other."

"You're thinking about doing this tour, aren't you?"

Somestimes she couldn't understand her mother, especially not when it came to the man who called himself her father.

"It's got nothing to do with Don if or if not I'm doing this tour." Stevie tried to reason. "The fact is that I'm in a place now where I'm recognized for who I am as a writer, where I'm not just part of a band. And I think that hadn't I had this amazing little girl that you are, then maybe I would have been there years ago."

"So I'm the reason why you couldn't do as planned." Sara replied, though jokingly.

"You know that I no matter what could have been, I would never change the decision I made, and having you." She smiled, pulling her daughter closer, so Sara's head rested on her shoulder as she brushed through her daughter's hair. "You are so much more than worth all the trouble I had with Don, and the fights with the band, or wherever I could be now, careerwise."

"I was joking."

"I know."

"And I'm not four anymore."

"I know." Stevie sighed. "You grew up way to fast for my liking."

"Except when I was a brat." Sara laughed.

"Yes..." She nodded. "But I still loved you."

"I know."

"You really are my mini me."

"I know." Sara smiled. "And there's another mini me."

She sat up straight when Amber came to join them, holding out her arms for Stevie to take her up and into her lap. And as she sat there, with her two girls, her mind began to wander once more.

Will she, or won't she??? What do you think she should do?

Love, Dani

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