Chapter 3: Hi, ex!

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Sarah's POV:

I step outside as I shut the door behind me, the humid air biting my skin. I walk a few meters until I have reached my comfort zone - the Cornerstone Coffee Roasters, it's just a small coffee shop with a well-defined view to the streets surrounding it. Unlike the other days, today, the coffee shop is amazingly full. It is filled with people chattering, teaspoons and tablespoons clinking, the sound of someone sipping his/her coffee and the scent of the coffee's aroma. Even though it's packed, good thing that the line isn't that long. I reach the counter and order a caramel macchiato. After the barista took my order, I slightly move left of the counter waiting for my drink. It didn't took that long, too, for my drink to be served. I smiled and thanked Noelle, the barista, as I walk to my usual spot - the spot on the corner, near the window. As I come nearer to it, I was saddened because somebody took my place, and this must be my lucky day, because that somebody is the one I expected the least. That somebody is Katie. Katie Harris.

It's quite late for me to realize that she is already looking at my direction even when I was still walking up to the table. We held each other's gazes for about a second or two, but I decided to break it. I hurriedly turned my back from her.

"I knew you'd be hear." She said. I was frozen in place with my back slightly turned away from her. I heard her seat move as she stood up and surprisingly, placed her hand on one of my shoulders.

"Have some coffee with me?" I faced her, a smile, a genuine one, crossed her beautiful features. I was emotional, but I was able to keep it in. God! How I missed my best friend's smile.

"I missed you." She stated, almost a whisper, while taking a sip of her ice-cold green tea.

"I know you'd say that." A smile crossed my face so I tried to hide it by taking a sip of my macchiato. Those words left my lips playfully.

"And that's the reason why I hesitated talking to you until this day." Katie nodded her head perpetually. I raised my brow in confusion.

"Ugh. You don't get it don't you?" She said rolling her eyes as she placed her cup down. "You just turn my guts down with your smart mouth." She continued lightly punching my shoulder.

"Hey! We're not friends 'again' yet." I avoided her second attempt of smacking my shoulder. I grabbed her fave ice-cold green tea, brought it near my mouth and placed a distasteful look on my face.

"If you drink that or even try to make contact with the cup to to your lips, that means I'm forgiven." She challenged pointing out a finger to me.

I smirked knowingly and turned my expression serious. I made sure to make eye contact with Katie as I slowly, so-ever slowly, very slowly, placed her cup down, its butt reaching the top of the table. A tear betrayed her and she hastily grabbed the purse beside her. She was about to stand up and leave when ...

"This one is disgustingly wonderful drink." I finished the contents of her cup and winked at her. I tried to force a grin even how bad her drink had tasted. A smile formed on her lips as she wrapped her arms around me. I returned the favor as well. I do not know how long we've wrapped in a hug, but all I know is that I didn't care. I didn't care if they'd mistaken us as two girls showing-off their public display of affection but my happiness was just overflowing, at that fleeting moment.

A tear slipped from both our eyes as we pulled away from our shared hug.

"God, I missed you!" I kissed her forehead. PDA is just that thing that we cannot avoid as best friends.

"Is this for real?" She raised her brows in amusement, "frosty Sarah is showing affections?"

"Ha ha ha go away," I remarked rolling my eyes at her.

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