Chapter 5

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A/N  hey guys! I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in like forever, school is terrible I'll try to update more often because school will be done in like two weeks so I won't be as busy.also I'm sorry that this is kind of short I haven't had much time to write.
Sams POV
Ten had been ten days since that dumb plane had to crash and kill people...and it had been ten days...with still no sign of help.....anywhere. No boats, no planes, no search teams....not one single thing..
   " hiya samsquatch" Gabriel's voice brought me from my thoughts of being rescued
" hi gabe" I replied
" what are you doing?" He asked
" internally dying from lack of tumblr"
" same......wait you have tumblr!?!" He exclaimed
" who doesn't, what's your name"
" no freaking way"
" what?" I asked
" how"
" because you're amazing"
" what's your blog gabe" I asked
" uhh thesassytrickstergabriel" he said quickly
" nice I love some of what you post even if candy is unhealthy as fuck"
" whoa Sammy using big boy words"
" shut up" I said leaning forward and smacking his chest
" oh you love me though" he joked and my cheeks heated up its not my fault that I fall fast for people
" yeah so" I muttered looking down
" what was that sammy"
" uh nothing"
" well I love you too" he mumbled  kicking the ground, but I still understood him.
"NOW KISS" lucifer yelled hidden away
" FUCK YOU LUCI" gabe yelled grabbing a rock and chucking it at a bush
" OW FUCK YOU GABE! THAT HURT" lucifer said standing up clutching his face
" run"  gabe whispered grabbing my hand and taking off
" SHIT" I yelled as a branch smacked my face
Gabe turned around laughing at me, then magically  tripped over a root.
I stuck my tongue out at him. I grabbed his hand to help him up just as a downpour of rain started. Could this day get any more disastrous??

Plane crash (destiel/sabriel/micifer au)Where stories live. Discover now