Chapter 1

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'Why the hell did I agree to go on this trip!?!?' Was the only thought racing through my mind  as I repeatedly calm myself and convince myself that I wouldn't die.
" I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die"
"Dude calm down try sleeping that might help" my little brother Sam said chuckling, maybe he's right... I took a few deep breaths and actually managed to fall asleep despite my fearful state of mind.

I woke with a start after my head got slammed into the window I had been leaning against.
" Son of a bitch" I muttered while rubbing my temple.
"What's going on" I asked calmly
Sam looked at me with panic flashing in his eyes.
" The planes going down we are going to CRASH!!!!" He was almost hyperventilating at this point
Oka- the plane? Plane. Crash. PLANE CRASH my thoughts were racing 100 miles per hour.
" Shit, shit, why did I go on this trip I had so much to live fo-" a hand was clamped over my mouth
"Shut. up. we are going to live" Sam said through short breaths, trying but failing to convince both of us. I blacked out a few moments before we crashed.

   I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder
" huh" I said groggily just wanting to sleep
" get up" a voice that I didn't recognize said, just then my brain decided to remember everything thing, My eyes shot open only to be faced with dazzling blue ones.
" Where's Sammy!?! Is he okay!??" I said with panic edging into my voice breaking the awkward silence that had formed between us.
" He's fine don't worry, he just woke up a little earlier than you"
" how long was I out?"
" about 5 hours"
" and you let me sleep??! I could helped out with something!"
" you looked like you needed it...."
" thanks Ca- I guess.... what's your name anyway" I totally don't know this kid, I'm not a stalker
" uhhh...its Castiel, Castiel Novak, and you're Dean winchester right?"
" How do you know that" I asked before I shook his hand
" You're our schools hockey star, and celebrity almost everyone knows who you are."
" Oh right that makes cas...where is everybody?"

     By this time I was starting to jog with castiel outside through the pouring rain.
Cas looked over at me seeming to be a little shocked when I used a nick name.
" Not everyone survived" castiel said looking down
" who didn't" I asked
" Well uhh Meg and ruby masters didn't, ms. Talbot didn't and Anna Milton didn't"
" oh uh that sucks, where are the survivors?" I said awkwardly not knowing how to respond
"  Right around that tree, we found a nice sized, luckily uninhabited cave to use as a shelter"
By the time I got into the shelter even though it wasn't that far from the crash site it looked as if I had decided to take a swim fully clothed.
" Sammy" I said pulling him into a hug
" Dean I want you to meet my friend his name is Gabriel" he said as he pointed to the boy with tan hair sitting across from him " hi Gabriel I'm Sammy's awesome brother dean" I extended my hand
" hiya deno I'm castiels awesome little brother but please don't call me Gabriel it's so ugh formal call me the trickster" he grinned devilishly which was hilarious to me being that his other brother was named Lucifer.
" How about I just call you gabe"
" okie dokie then " gabe said turning back to sam
" I like him Sammy he says okie dokie."
" All right everyone listen up if you want to make it out of this hell" he snickered " Alive" the voice belonging to the one and only lucifer, behind me called out before I could continue my conversation with Sam.

Hey guys sorry for the terrible intro between gabe and Dean but I like it so that's how it is, anyway thanks for reading this its probably horrible and your not going to read any more but hey I'll just keep writing it Anyway I finished the order of the Phoenix yesterday and WHY ROWLING WHY anyway have a good humanity bye-

Plane crash (destiel/sabriel/micifer au)Where stories live. Discover now