Not so Ideal Confession

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I really am in love with Lav. Keith realized when they were at the abandoned park. When Lav asked him to stay with him instead, Keith didn’t get angry or offended, but he felt really happy. He felt really glad that Lav wanted to be with him as much as he does. But Keith also knew how impossible it is for the two of them to be really together, he knew that Lav would never be his. He is a ghost, he is already dead, and he didn’t want Lav to be involved in something so painfully impossible.

            He loves Lav, Keith truly does. But that love, no matter how strong or true, Keith thought, could never be. More than being cheated on, more than being left behind, it is much more painful to love a love that, in the very beginning, could never be.

            Keith was kneeling in front of Lav, with his heart pounding hard. He thought that he would explode any moment. He was about to reach for Laverne, he couldn’t control his self anymore. “That…” Lav suddenly said. “Your pendant…” Keith looked down and saw his glowed for a moment. “What’s that?” Lav sounded very curious.

            Keith was secretly thankful for that pendant. Because of that weird occurrence he was able to regain control. No matter how much he wanted to tell Lav about his real feelings, he must keep it in, so both them could not get hurt. “That’s the first time it ever happened.” Keith said. He was very confused at that moment.

            The tension of that moment was broken because of the pendant and the two of them came back to their usual self. None of them brought the topic about their real feelings for each other again, and Lav didn’t ask him the same request again. And honestly, Keith didn’t know the answer yet. He wanted to stay so badly with Lav, but he knew how painful and difficult it would be.

            Keith didn’t watch Lav sleep that night. He was afraid that he might try something weird again, he was afraid that he might lose control again. When the morning came, they both acted like nothing had happened the day before. Maybe it was for the better, maybe it was for the best if they just stayed as friends.

            “Lav, are you sure about joining the contest?” Keith asked when Lav was having his breakfast in his hotel room.

            “Yes, I want to do it. You’ll be beside me, right?” Lav asked with a smile.

            “Of course, I love your music a lot.” Keith replied with as smile.

            Their conversation was cut abruptly by the ring of the doorbell. Keith went to the poor and passed his head through it. Outside Lav’s hotel room was Keith’s most hated person, Evan. His mood suddenly became really bad, if only he could touch things, then he would’ve punch Evan right away.

            “Who is it?” Lav asked.

            “It’s Evan.” Keith replied crossed. “Are you going to talk to him?” He asked. He was secretly hoping that Lab would say no. He was thinking that Evan would only say flowery words to sway Lav’s feelings once again. “Do really need to talk to him?”

            “Well, I still need to end things properly. Our relationship still needs closure.” Lav sounded a bit depressed. Keith knew that he was still hurting and he knew that Lav still had feelings for Evan. If only the circumstances are different, then he would have made Lav fall for him instead.

            “Wait, before you talk to him, answer me first. Do you still love him?” Keith asked seriously. He knew the answer and he didn’t want to hear it. It would only hurt him, but he needs to be sure.

My not so Innocent Love [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now