Not so Easy of a Request

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            He's gone crazy. Keith thought as he watched Laverne kiss Cara. He had no idea what Laverne was trying to do. He looks so innocent, but, a devious little creature in reality. Keith thought.

            Evan and his friend looked really shocked. And Evan in particular looked really angry. He pulled Laverne away. “You’re coming with me.” He said angrily as he pulled Laverne out of the house. Keith was getting really angry. Laverne looked like he was in pain. “What are you doing?!” Evan shouted angrily.

            “You’re angry? Wow…” Laverne reacted nonchalantly. Keith was scared and worried at Laverne’s emotionless face. “If there’s anyone who should get angry it’s me. You told me that there’s nothing between the two of you, that you’re going to clear the misunderstandings! But you have no plan on doing that, do you? You were even kissing her!”

            “Let me explain…” Evan said desperately.

            “No. There’s nothing to explain. You could go back to your Cara, I don’t care anymore.”

            “What the hell was that?!” Cara shouted as she walked out of the house. She walked towards Laverne and then raised her hand. Keith was alarmed and he moved swiftly, he brushed his hand all over Cara’s arm and she froze.

            “I told you, we’ll play a game. All three of us.” Laverne grinned. “Only the three of us, plus Evan’s stoned friend saw what really happened. By now everyone should know that you and I kissed.” He said looking at Cara. “You’ll probably tell them what really happened, but I would tell them that you forced yourself on me, no I don’t even have to say that, they would just assume that, since I look very pure and innocent.” He said with a grin. “The three of us would be part of tumultuous love story, but the circumstances are a bit different that what they will really know.” Laverne continued and then looked at sharply at Cara. “Who do you think would be the bad guy, the innocent cousin who kissed his cousin’s girl or the witch that cheated her boyfriend with his own cousin?” He then looked at Evan. “But, it would be even more dramatic if they find out that all this time it’s you that’s cheating on me with her.”

            Evan was shocked. “You wouldn’t tell anyone, would you? Laverne let’s talk, please…” Evan trailed off. Keith was really pissed off. How could Evan even think of his career at that moment?

            Laverne turned around and walked away. At first Keith thought that Laverne was going frighteningly crazy at that time, but once he fully saw Laverne’s face he understood. Laverne was just really hurt. Seeing Evan act so sweet and close to Cara must have made Laverne fully accept and realize that he was being cheated on the whole time. Keith saw Laverne’s eyes, and his heart broke when he saw tears falling. Laverne was silently crying as they walked away. It must have hurt even more that Evan didn’t ran after him.

            Keith remained silent, he didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what he could do. If only he could touch Laverne, then he would hug him that moment. But, he was a mere ghost, and his touch would only pass through Laverne.

            Back in his hotel room, Laverne locked his self in the bedroom. Keith tried his best to give Laverne space, but he was too worried. When Keith took a peak, he saw Laverne lying face down on the bed. Keith could hear muffled sound of Laverne crying.  

            Laverne kept crying the whole night. Seeing his lover cheating on him first hand was something that would break anyone’s heart. Keith knew that Laverne was hurting really bad. He must be feeling like hell at that moment. Every moment that passed that Keith watched Laverne cry felt like eternity to him. He wanted Laverne to calm down, to stop crying, he couldn’t take seeing Laverne cry that much for that damn Evan any longer. But Keith was helpless. He didn’t know what to do to make Laverne feel any better. In the end he just waited until Laverne finally calmed down.

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