Secrets Unravel

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Chapter 6: Secrets Unravel
October's POV

I was met with the stares of my brothers. "What?" I asked.

"What just happened?" Dean asked. "And what kind of language was that?"

"I was speaking another language?" They nodded. Shoot. I thought. I sighed. "It's just some language that came natural to me. Sometimes I even forget I'm speaking it."

"Who was that?" Sam asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Drake stepped out of the bathroom.

"Who are these guys, Tober?"

"These are Sam and Dean Winchester, John's boys. Sam, Dean, this is Drake. My brother.

"You're brother?" Dean asked. "He's gotta be at least twice your age."

"I'm only nineteen, dude,"

"Well, dude," Dean said, mockingly, "where were you last night?"

"Why does it matter?"

"If you want your sister here to look less guilty, then you'd tell us."

"You think she killed someone?" Drake said with a laugh. "She's about as committed to protecting you humans as our newbie."

"Newbie?" Sam asked.

"Yo Tyler," Drake called. "It's alright, you can come in now."

A kid who looked slightly older than me and a few inches shorter than Drake walked through the door. He looked at us, but didn't look any of us in the eye. "Bad time?" he asked. Dean turned to me and Drake.

"What do you know about the killings?" Dean asked Drake.

"I only have one thing to say to you," Drake answered as he walked up to Dean until their faces were just inches apart. Dean didn't even flinch.

"And what's that?"

"Stay away from my sister." Drake then went over to Tyler and said they were leaving. He shifted and headed out. Before following Drake, Tyler gave a small wave to me and I waved back. They then ran off into the distance. I gathered up their clothes, folded them up, and put them in the drawer.

"Does Bobby know you have a brother?" Dean asked. I shook my head.

"I found out when I was ten."

"How?" Sam asked.

"We ran into each other on the streets," I lied. "He said he had been looking for me."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I was afraid they would kill him."

"Do you know where they're going?" Again, I shook my head.

"I only see him when he comes to me. I don't trust the kids he hangs out with."

"How many are there?" Dean asked I shrugged.

"Last time I looked there were three others. All in between my age and his.

"Well let's go find them," Dean said to Sam. They started to leave.

"Wait," I said. They stopped and looked at me. "Let me talk to him first." Dean sighed.

"You have 'til sundown, and that's it." I nodded.

"And I think it'd be best if I was the one to tell Bobby." Dean nodded. Then I watched as they got into the car and drove off.

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