chapter four

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"You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"Did not!"








I snorted at his attempt to trick me, "I’m not stupid, you know." Winking at him, I met his pretty eyes. "You might wanna keep that in mind for next time. I'm blonde, not dumb."

"You are not!"

"I am so!" I yelled back.

A shout of laughter filled the otherwise silent room, making me jump about a foot in the air.

Then I thought about my words, a scowl slipping onto my face. Looking up at my new found friend with the scowl still on my face, I narrowed my eyes. The smirk playing at the corners of his delicious cherry lips told me all I needed to know. He had beaten me. Normally I would say something like that! Normally I would be the one to get the other person confused! Normally I would be the one to get the other person to slip up. But he had made me lose. He had beaten me at my own game.

Sneaky bastard.

I scooted back on my chair nosily and stood up. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down at him. This only caused his smirk to grow.

Sneaky, narcissistic bastard.

I turned on my heel and walked out the room, slamming the door behind me. Who did he think he was! Nobody ever beat me! Ever! It was just unnatural to have someone beat me. I didn’t even think that was possible!

I reached into my pocket to grab out a packet of cookies that I had stashed in there so I cloud eat away my sorrow, but my pocket was empty.

"Shit." I swore out loud, earning a disapproving look from a hall monitor with bright red hair that was passing by.

I smiled sweetly before turning around and running back to my room, scowling at anyone who passed. I burst through the door to my dorm and saw him sitting in the middle of my bed right where I had left him. I looked him over, studying every single thing about him, every move he made. He looked confused, but he had a glint of something in his eyes. His legs were folded n his lap, with one hand laced under one of his knees. My eyes flashed to his other arm as he tried to snake it away from behind his back without me noticing.

"Busted," I snarled, before lunging forward. He only had time for his eyes to widen slightly before I landed on top of him. There was a loud crunch, but I knew for a fact it wasn’t any of his bones.

It was the cookie wrapper.

Sneaky, narcissistic, cookie thieving bastard.

He started to squirm underneath me, wriggling around and thrashing from side to side, so I straddled his hips and held his arms above his head, holding them in one of mine. He had huge arms, corded with muscles the whole way through, and his hands were massive. I could barely fit one of his in my hand, but somehow I managed to restrain him by twisting his fingers between mine and linking his arms together. I used my other hand to throw the punches that were getting harder and harder.

He laughed underneath me, his eyes crinkling up in the corners.

I was momentarily caught off guard when his eyes slipping to mine, our gazes locking together. His smile transformed from light and teasing, to sure and sweet. I started to smile back, but noticed how is eyes darted to the hands that were above his head for a split second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2011 ⏰

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