chapter three

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"And this is the second fire exit. Yeah, yeah, I know you dont want to see it," he said, cutting me off when he saw that I was about to open my mouth. "Its just the standard stuff I have to show you. They don't pay me otherwise.." He sighed quietly to himself, his shoulder sagging.

I slowed my pace, my mouth hanging open as I stared at him. Was he serious? They payed him just to walk me around the school and show me useless areas that I would hopefully never have to revisit again? I mean, as amazing as fire exits may seem to apear to all the teachers, if there was a fire it wouldnt be the little green sign above the door that would tip me off that it was an exit, it would be all the screaming kids running towards it. If they were going to pay him, they could at least pay him for showing me useful things, say like... How to sneak out of the dorm rooms after curfew. Or maybe even where they kept the keys to the principals car..

I smiled wrying to myself, my thoughts drifting off to when I was little. I never would have even thought about sneaking out at midnight to meet up with people or have a few drinks. Stealing the keys to the principals car and taking it for a joy ride would have made me shake my head disaprovingly a few years ago. I guess my step mum changed me more than I thought.

He chuckled and I snapped back to reality, shaking my head lightly. "How much are you getting for this?" I asked, astonished that they would even bother. If I really wanted to know all this stuff, couldn't I walk around by myself? Although, it's not like im goig to coplain about being with him

"A fair bit." Or maybe I would complain.. "I get more if I show you these exits and stuff. They take safety pretty seriously at this school."

"How much?"

"About $75"

I didnt just slow down this time, I stopped completely. "What the hell?" I shrieked, "they shouldnt be paying you for showiing me all this crap, they should be paying me for having to listen to all of it!"

He laughed, "and tell me Nica, how much have you actually heard?"

I frowned, "what do you mean?"

He laughed again slighly, "well you said they should be paying you for listening, but how much have you actualy listened to? I can see you from the corner of my eye, Nica. You've heard probably half of what I've said," he told me as he turned away from me and started walking again.

Well, someones observant..

I just stood there for a few seconds. My eyes following him as he walked. His dark hair was long and shaggy, styled to purposfully look messy. I then noticed how broad his shoulders were and my mouth popped open a bit. I hastily looked around to see if anyone had seen and clamped my mouth shut. Glancing back at him, my eyes started to trail down his back, which you could tell was muscular even from under his tight black shirt. His shirt combined perfectly with his pitch blac hair and tanned arms. My eyes travelled even lower until they reached the edge of his shirt and the top of his jeans.

Naturally, thats when he turned around.

He raised his eyebrows, a small smirk slipping onto his face. I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I felt heat rising to my cheeks. "Were you just checking me out?" he asked, his voice louder than it was before.

My eyes snapped open immeditly, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. My hand flew to my face and I held one finger to my mouth, my eyes wide. "Shh!!" I shushed him, running up so that I was stood right in front of him and slammig my hand over his mouth to stop him from yelling out anything else that could embaress me further. I motioned around crazily with my free hand and then put the same one finger back to my puted lips. He chuckled loudly at my actions, but the sound was muffled.

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