chapter one

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Thank you so much redForet for the amazinng cover <33


"Veronica! Come down here please, I need to talk to you! Now!"

My eyelids unwillingly fluttered open when I heard the screeching voice echoing up to me from downstairs. Bright light poured into my eyes the second they were completely open and I had to force them shut to avoid the burning sensation the sun caused. I groaned and opened them sluggishly.

"Veronica! I said come here!" She yelled, her voice rising higher in anger. Why did she have to yell so loud?

I groaned again and slowly lifted my head off the wood I had fallen asleep on. I sat up straight in the chair, wincing as my back cracked from the unwanted movement. I stretched my arms in front of me before pushing my body away from the desk.

"Veronica! Veronica? If you do not come down here this instant –"

"I’m coming!" I yelled down to her, scurrying into my tiny wardrobe to grab my robe. I flipped off the light and started running out the room, pulling my sleeves into the fluffy robe as I went. Before I closed the door behind me, I glanced around my room, making sure I hadn’t left anything lying around that my step sister could steal.

My poor room was so empty and looked so deserted. If you walked into my step sister’s room, you would see a mini palace. She had pretty plants everyone, colourful painted walls, poster and pictures hanging up everywhere and beautiful hand stitched sheets. I had no plants because my room was too small, I wasn’t a loud to have posters or pictures on my walls, and on my bed there were ugly grey sheets because that’s all my step mother could be bothered to get. I glanced glumly around the room and sighed heavily.

Why couldn’t things go back to how they used to be?

I growled under my breath and pushed away all my other thoughts. I couldn’t think of how things used to be. My old life was over. Things weren’t going to return to normal no matter how many times I wished they would.

I saw my IPod lying beside my pillow and ran over to. I snatched it up and tucked it into the pocket on my robe. I turned around and made my way back out the door.

I stumbled down the wooden stairs, rubbing at my eyes hastily so I looked ‘presentable’ for my step-mum. I roughly pulled my fingers through my hair to straighten it out and untangle the snarls that I could feel on the back of my neck. Once my blonde hair was casually flowing knot free down my shoulders, I pulled it up into a messy pony tail. I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around me at the empty living room. Where was she? I cleared my throat loudly and tapped my foot against the floor so she would hear me.

"Uhumm.. Helen? I’m here..?" I called.

"In here, Darling!"

Darling? Since when had she called me Darling..?

I strolled in the direction of her voice and ended up standing in the middle of the large kitchen in front of my bony step-mum and a handsome man, presumably in his early twenties, that I had never seen before in my life.

Helen looked at me pointedly. I stared back at her, disregarding her stare. She raised an eyebrow when I didn’t do anything so I smiled sweetly at her. There was nothing I liked better then annoying the evil old woman. Her eyebrows slanted downwards as she glared at me. She looked over at the man, then back at me. I just stared at her blankly, pretending to be confused.

"Sweetie, aren’t you going to introduce yourself to Mr. Handan?" She cooed like I was a two year old baby that wouldn’t stop crying.

I looked around the kitchen, letting my eyes briefly meet Mr Handan’s, before I continued my survey of the room, letting my eyes wander aimlessly over the kitchen appliances.

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