The Girl(s)

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"Are you going to ask all of us?" she wondered out loud.

"Who is us Lena?" Mozzie asked the question on everyone's mind.

"A head doctor said I have lots of people in my head that are like me but not me. I hear them arguing sometimes. They sometimes come out to play." She answered.

"Can we meet them?" he asked.

"If they want to come out they will. I am not the strong one I can't keep them back." She replied before she sat perfectly still. She didn't move and she didn't speak; her eyes started to glaze over. Mozzie snapped his fingers in front of her. She blinked several times and smiled looking at everyone.

"Hello everyone I'm 2, you can call me key if you prefer I really wanted to meet you all so 5 is going to take a break for a little bit." She smirked staring at them. Everyone in the room noticed the change in her presence and posture.

"Why are you 2 or key?" Mozzie asked.

"Dearest Uncle I knew you would be the first to ask." She giggled.

"I'm 2 because I was the second to appear." It seemed like a simple answer but it raised far more complicated questions.

"Who was the first to appear and may we speak to her?" Peter interrupted. Her face became distorted but only for a brief moment.

"Am I not good company?" she asked.

"Changing the subject isn't going to help you." Neal stated. She let out a sigh before nodding.

"She doesn't come out we try and make sure of that. I hope none of you would try and bring her out, ever. Rage is not someone we can bring back easily once she gets out." Key explained.

"She is called rage," Mozzie repeated.

"She came first and she lasted for a very long time before I came. 3 came not long after me we are almost twins we switch easily." She smiled seeming to cheer up more talking about a different counterpart.

"What is 3 called?" Mozzie kept questions simple and no one in the room made any opinions known at least not yet.

"She is called map, she remembered every twist and turn even if she only been there once." She hadn't realized it but her hand had taken a pencil and began to draw.

"Why are you called key?" though the answer was obvious he had to ask to be completely sure.

"Because I can get in and out of any lock," she declared.

"Who are the other two?" Neal was getting rather anxious.

"The demon and the child," she answered.

"Who is the demon?" Mozzie pushed Neal back.

"She is 4 she seduces and create distractions. We don't let her out often she is too unstable and the only other person she can overpower is 5 but she is pretty new she just needs practice." Lena explained.

"Why is 5 the child, is it because she is the youngest?" Mozzie ask and the smiled that appeared on Lena's face was quite devious it scared the adults.

"She knows of us and can call on us but has no control or is able to share memories with us, it is like blacking out. She is called the child because she is the best alibi." Lena concluded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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