Chapter 5

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"Now what?" 

With great difficulty, we managed to hoist the other tributes up onto the platform. The girl was easier to move than the boy; her small frame only required one person to carry her. The boy, however, was a different story. He must have been almost 6' tall, with broad shoulders and big muscles. If we hadn't been equipped with our wands, I would have probably been dead.  

Fortunately we did have magic, and we had the advantage. After we had succeeded in propping our prisoners up against the wall, I sat cross-legged in front of them. I waited until Hermione had finished replacing our protective spells, and then began to speak.  

"Erm... hi!" 

Ron started to laugh, and then covered it up by going into a coughing fit. Hermione rolled her eyes. I glared at them, and then returned my eyes to our captives.  

"My name is Harry." I gestured towards the group behind me, "And these are my friends: Ron, Hermione, and Luna." Luna looked slightly confused at the sound of our proper names not switched around, but quickly returned her attention to the interrogation.  

"We know you must be scared," she piped up, "but don't worry, we're here to help you!"  

The girl and boy didn't seem to relax. No wonder, they were paralyzed! Hehe...  

Feeling a bit guilty, I removed the paralyzing spell from them. I kept my wand at the ready though, just in case they tried to attack us. Luckily for them, they stayed put. Now that the circumstances were slightly less awkward, I tried talking to them again, focusing on the girl. She seemed slightly more likely to believe me than the boy, who was busy curling and uncurling the fists and glaring at Ron.  

"Like Luna said, we're here to help you. There are other people... like us in here, except they're bad and are trying to hurt you and the other tributes."  

The girl looked skeptical, but motioned for me to continue.  

"So, erm... we thought we could maybe team up and work together to find the other tributes?" I said it like a question. The girl finally spoke up. Her voice was quiet, but immediately commanded everyone's attention. It had a soft lilt to it, making her sound almost perpetually sarcastic.  

"Soooo... you paralyzed us?" 

I blushed, rubbing the back if my neck in embarrassment.  

"Your friend there would have killed us!" I replied defensively. She laughed wryly, 

"It looks like he almost did anyways."  

The big guy grunted, glaring at me.  

"I'm still not sure I believe you, but I guess we have no choice but to go with you. You'd just paralyze us again if we tried to get away, and believe me, that's not fun." She stood up, holding out a hand for me to shake. I shook hands with her, and then with the other guy.  

"Ouch!" I winced as he almost crusher my hand in his grip. He just shot me a grin, and looked towards the girl.  

Hermione pushed her way towards the front of our group.  

"We never did get your names." 

The girl looked a bit shocked that we would actually care what their names were.  

"Umm... My name's Severin. Severin Hawthorne." She glanced around at our faces, as though looking for a reaction at the sound of her name.  

"Sorry, we're not from around here. Are we supposed to recognize your name?" 

"No, it's just-never mind." She replied, shaking her head. "And this is Edard." Edard grunted, again. "I don't know his last name, and it doesn't look like he's going to tell you." She grinned, elbowing him gently in the ribs. Edard's stomach suddenly let out a massive growl, and we all laughed.  

"You must be hungry." Luna said, pulling a handful of chocolate bars out of her pocket. She held them out, and they were eagerly devoured by our two new kind-of-friends.  

"So," Severin mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate, "what district are you from?" 

"9 3/4." Ron replied, without thinking. Severin gave him a weird look, but said nothing. If we weren't going to question her about her name, she wouldn't question us about our sanity.  

Hermione spoke up from near our sack of food.  

"Guys, we're out of food. We need to move on, and maybe find more food at different subway station." 

Nodding, I drew my wand and stepped towards the tracks. The tunnel loomed, dark and foreboding in front of me.  

"Let's go." 

Lalalala... I really like the name Severin... idek why...

Werdsmith is awesome!!!!!

You are irrelevant and you get a banana in your face.

Dedicated to Dana because she was my first directioner buddy! Luv ya gurl! :P

Until next time, my loyal peasants.

Peace out, 


District 9 3/4 [Harry Potter/Hunger Games fanfiction] {ON HOLD INDEFINITELY}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora