Chapter 4

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I turned around in a circle, careful to avoid the electrified third rail. Hermione pulled out her wand, at the same time intertwining Ron's and her fingers. Luna smiled.  

"Let's go!"  

We all lit our wands and followed her into the enclosed darkness.  

After what seemed like a lifetime of walking, we came to a fork in the tracks.  

"Which way should we go?" asked Hermione, voice quivering, "And where are the other tributes?" 

Luna relied in a singsong voice, "They're probably still wandering through the tunnels." Then she added in a more serious voice, "Without any light."  

I cringed. The tunnels were bad enough even with our wands lit.  

Suddenly, I felt a cold breeze from behind. A rat scurried by me, running out of the tunnel on the right. In a few seconds, our feet were surrounded by dozens of rats, squealing as they tried to escape whatever was in that tunnel. The cool breeze became a freezing cold wind, sucking me towards the mouth of the gaping hole in front of me. Hermione whispered a spell which made the light from her wand flare briefly. And in that quick flash of light, something truly terrifying was revealed: the tunnel was filled with dementors, more than I had ever seen in one place. They were like a solid wall of fear, leaving no escape.  

A bony hand reached out to grab me, and I staggered back a few steps. I raised my wand.  

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A silver stag leaped forward, tossing a few dementors back into the tunnel. But there were too many. Luckily, I heard the rest of my group echo my call, and soon the tunnel was also filled with a rabbit, a dog, and an otter. The dementors were driven back, shrieking. I was shaking, and looked around see white faces and trembling limbs. Pulling myself together, I pointed towards the other tunnel.  

"Let's go." 

Everyone was skittish after our encounter with the dementors, jumping at the smallest sound. I wad beginning to think we would never see the end of these dark tunnels. Finally, we happened upon a subway platform, clambering gratefully up onto it. I led the way up the steps. As we climbed, I felt a growing sense of dread which was explained when we reached the top. The exit was blocked by a huge pile of rocks. There was no way out. I sat down on the steps with my head in my hands, sighing. We would have to go back into the tunnels in order to find the other tributes. Maybe if we saved them all we would be allowed out.  

"Well," sighed Ron, gesturing towards the tunnels, "I guess we're going back in there." 

"Wait." Luna pointed towards a large burlap sack on the ground. "There might be food in there, or supplies." 

It hadn't occurred to me that we might need food. I had assumed that our mission would be over quickly and then we could leave. Now, however, it looked like we might be stuck here for a while. I cautiously approached the sack, wand at the ready. For all we knew, it could be a trap. I poked it and... nothing happened. I heard a collective sigh if relief from behind me; no one wanted to be facing another hoard of dementors, or worse. I pulled open the sack, rifling through the contents. On top there was a sleeping bag, followed by a loaf of bread, a few cans of soup, a dozen chocolate bars, and a small gas stove with fuel. Glancing back at the foreboding tunnel behind us, I made a decision.  

"Let's sleep here tonight." 

I sat upright, facing out towards the tunnels. Every few seconds I swept my lit wand around the dark space, checking for any movement. I heard a rustling from behind as one of the girls shifted in the sleeping bag, which they were sharing. Ron was on the ground next to them. Hermione had put up as many protection spells as she could remember, but I was still on edge from our encounter with the dementors and didn't want to take any chances. However, Hermione's spells seemed to be holding up pretty well. Suddenly, I heard voices coming from the tunnel on the left.  

"Where are? It's so dark in here!" A girl's voice echoed off the sides of the tunnel. Hermione's spells obviously hid the light from my wand. Moving silently -just in case- I awoke the others. Hermione whispered, 

"We should paralyze them first, to make sure they won't hurt us. Then, we can explain that we're here to save them." 

Nodding in agreement, we silently slipped out of our protective bubble, wands at the ready. I heard the girl's voice come again from ahead.  

"Wait- stop, I think I heard something..." 

"What? I don't hear anything." 

I took the opportunity to point my wand in the general direction of the voices and whisper, 

"Petrificus totalus!" I heard a muffled thump as someone fell to the ground. As an afterthought, I probably should have done something to make sure they didn't touch the third track. Oops! The person was lucky, however, and missed the track. Momentarily forgetting about the other person I started forward, but was stopped by a knife being held to my throat. A deep, slightly shaky voice asked, 

"What did you do to her?" I gulped, but was rescued by Hermione, who quickly paralyzed my captor and dragged him away from the dangerous track.  

"Now what?"  





New characters coming next chapter! :)

Also, this is dedicated to JESSICA!!!!!!! aka, SaladLadyFitzgibbles, because WE ARE LONG-LOST SISTERS!!!!!!!!

Byee! ~Josie

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