Chapter Two : Mizuki's POV

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                                                 A/N: This is Mizuki's POV (Point of View) It's short sorry :/

I keep looking at what I can’t believe I’m seeing, a half human, half demon, that’s impossible, no human or demons are supposed to mate, it is forbidden.  So how, how can this be.  I refuse to go in the tent but to stay out as well.  I look at the sky but also to observe him.  “How, how can you be half human and half demon?  It is forbidden to mate with humans yet alone to have a child.” I say in a low voice as I watch the night sky.  He sighs and has his eyes closed.  “My parents were both humans, not demons.” He finally opens one eye looking at me.  “I made a deal with a demon 200 years ago….that’s why I’m half human, and half demon.”  He says in a soft relaxed tone.  “Deal? What do you mean deal?!” My voice is firm, trying not to show the urge to know.   “I was close to dying from a gunshot wound during a war and I was about to die when he showed up offering me a deal that cost me my:  friends, family, anyone I get close to!”  He says sitting up.

I look at him confused by his words not knowing what he meant.  “He? Who was this he guy?! And were you once human or something?” I ask egger to know.  “I never got a chance to ask his name.” he says jumping down from the tree and looks at me.  “Yes I was human…a long time ago.”  I jump to my guard pose growling, my claws ready to attack.  “Foolish human how dare you!!  You’ll never be like us!!  You should have just died like the rest of you human people!!”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I became disgusted by the sighted of him.  I couldn’t help but attack.  As I dashed towards I summoned my sword.

He makes his blades appear on his arms and blocks my attack.  “Why do you hate humans so much?!  What did we ever do to you?!”  I hold my ground against her attack amazed by her strength.  So this is the strength of a pure blood demon. “Everything!!!”  I yelled with such anger and rage “You humans ruined everything!!  You all think you are superior to everything and everyone, hunting every one that isn’t human for no reason” I retrieve my sword and kick him to his stomach.  “I hate you all! I hate you all!!”  I couldn’t hold in my anger anymore.  “You humans killed and took everything from me!!  You killed my brother!!  He was never interested in humans and kept to himself, he would never hurt a human, NEVER!! You filthy humans killed him!!”  unable to control myself I summon my portals of swords and release them all at once aiming at him.  “You killed him!! I’ll never forgive you, never!!” I couldn’t hold back my tears of sadness and sorrow that had been kept inside me for centuries. “Give him back!! Give me back my brother!!”  I collapse to the ground on my knees crying.  “Give him back give me back my brother.”

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