Not an update...

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I just sorta wanted to rant a bit, so don't bother reading if you get offended easily.

Also if you're wondering why instead of spending time on my book, I'm writing this, it's because updating takes a while. I write a rough draft in a notebook, then I type it up on the computer, then I edit, then I revise, and all the while I can only do this late at night. That means that instead of sleeping most nights, I'm editing and revising. So I'm still in the typing phase of Chapter 6 because I sorta don't want to always come to school like a zombie.

Anyhoo, now that that's done. I want to talk about a man that I am quite fond of: Ross Shor Lynch. Now recently he has posted a picture of him and well, Courtney Eaton kissing. Now I have looked at the Instagram comments on this picture and have been appalled at how absolutely rude and monstrous some people are. Now I'm not here to tell you "You should be happy for him" necessarily, but for Pete's sake (btw, sidetrack, who the hell is Pete anyway?) at least don't tear him to pieces! God! Like if someone told him the things they were saying in real life to his face then it would without a doubt be considered bullying! Like, I am a huge Raura shipper all the way. And that means that I'm keep all my opinions to myself and only put out positive vibes. I mean Courtney is stunning! I've seen people attacking her on other pictures and calling her some names that I'm not going to repeat here. But I mean really, do you honestly think that commenting a million times "YOU AND LAURA SHOULD BE TOGETHER ROSS! BREAK UP WITH THAT COW, COURTNEY " is gonna make them say, 'oh you know what? This person makes so much sense! Why don't we just break up?' . Yeah, I don't think so either. So then why the hell do people keep doing that? urgh. It just makes me so mad on how absolute jerks some people can be. Now, I'm not calling anyone out, but just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you have to express it. Same goes for Ross's hair. People are just going at him because of it. And I'll just say, I don't think it's one of his most flattering looks but c'mon! You honestly think he's just gonna have a realization while reading a tweet and go cut his hair? If you look at it, all the boys (in R5) have been growing out his hair, it's not just him. So now that I got that off my chest I feel a lot better.

Please please please be nice to people! It'll pay off in the end. That's what I've learned.


Love, hugs, and POSITIVITY.


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