Chapter 2: Who's That?

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Disclaimer: I have never been to an R5 concert so I don't know how it works. This is just how I imagine it. So don't go after me in the comments. This just made sense in my mind and for the story.



"CRAP! We need to leave! NOW!" Emily pushed me out the door and into the car.

"We're on our way to an R5 concert!!!" Emily yelled out the window.

And we were off.

Emily 's POV:

While I was driving to the venue, I nearly crashed at least 20 times. I'm just so excited to see R5. And meet them! I'm- I mean we're- going to MEET THEM! I just couldn't wrap my head around that.

We pulled up to the venue. It was so crowded! This made me even more excited.

"Are you ready?" I said, turning to face Tessie.

Tessie's POV:

"Are you ready?" Emily said, her blue eyes wide.

"Sure, I guess."

These crowds are nuts! There are so many people here! Apparently they're called R5 family members. Emily was blabbering about that, among other things, throughout the whole hour car ride. She nearly crashed at least a gazillion times. She talked about stuff like how her favorite song was called "Being Alone Tonight" or something like that, and her favorite band member was a boy named "Hiker" or "Hunter". I don't remember.

Anyway, as we pushed our way to the VIP line Emily kept talking at high speed and I decided to tune it out l. I decided an escape plan in case I didn't like R5's music. Emily said I would but, you can't always trust Emily.

"Tess, Tess!" Emily squeaked in my ear, using my nickname, "We're almost to the room!"

Once the line was inside the room I was able to see the band up close. From all the chatter in the room, I was able to pick up their names. The brunette with the short hair was Ratliff, or Ellington. I wasn't quite sure. But the other brunette was named Rocky, the blonde girl's name was Rydel and the 2 other blonds were Ross and Riker (Oh! So it was Riker not Hiker!) I couldn't really tell them apart other than one looked older.

" That's my fav, Riker!" Emily near screamed, she pointed at the older looking boy.

Ah, so the older one is Riker. I looked over at him. At the same time he looked over at me. We made eye contact for longer than I think was normal. When we finally looked away I was speechless.

What was that? I thought, Wow, he's actually pretty hot. Maybe even if I don't like R5's music I can just watch Riker perform. And I'd definitely never have a chance with him, there's so many other prettier girl out there! And he's a celebrity and I'm definitely not.



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Thanks again!

~ (@fatunicorn37)

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