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"Sorry about this," Pietro smiled sympathetically at me and I frowned in confusion.

"Pietro, what are y-" I yelped as he pushed me against the tree. I glared up at him, my small frame no match for his six foot stature. I couldn't move and I watched Pietro frown before he slammed my head against the rough bark.

I screamed, falling to the ground in pain. I held my head in my hand and looked up dazedly to see that Pietro was long gone.

"Bloody hell," I cussed. "Captain?"

I heard a mumble from the com system and knew Steve was busy. I frowned and shakily stood up before running towards Steve's location.

"Clint!" I froze and turned around and saw Natasha running over to a fallen Clint.

I almost began to run towards the two but saw a blur and Steve flip in the air. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw him land in a crouch.

"We have an enhanced in the field," Steve told the group on the comm and I stood besides him.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha landed besides Clint and began to bandage his wound.

"Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Natasha paused and I gasped as I saw Doctor Banner destroy it in a blink of an eye. "Thank you."

"Incoming," Steve nudged me and I nodded, quickly letting myself become invisible and I snuck up besides them, using my gun to shoot them all down in fast succession. I grabbed onto a new cartridge of bullets and loaded my gun.

"Steve, all clear here, we need in." I told Steve before I ran ahead of him and Thor, still invisible and managed to get closer to the base.

"Stark, we're going to need to get inside." Thank God for Steve and his communication skills.

"I'm closing in." A moment passed before we heard Stark again. "Drawbridge is down, people."

I walked through the trees and into the clearing full of soldiers running towards the Avengers.

"The enhanced?" I froze, listening to the conversation on the comm.

"He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." I bit my lip, I knew that when we got back to the base, I would have to explain some things.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac."

"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You and Stark secure the scepter." Thor to Steve

"Copy that." Steve replied.

"Find the scepter." Thor told the group and I knew that Stark was on his way already finding it.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" I rolled my eyes, I didn't really care for Stark. It may have been because of Pietro and Wanda's talk of how evil Stark was and how he was destroying the planet. I wasn't choosing sides. . . I was just weary.

"That's not going away anytime soon." I chuckled at the Captain's response and I clasped my hand over my mouth.

The security guard looked towards me and I shot him, making sure he didn't call for backup.

I pushed his body off of his chair and onto the ground, hiding his body underneath his chair. I closed my eyes, picturing the guard I just took down and let myself transform into him.

I pushed myself out of the computer desk area and began to walk the halls, gun in hand. To the soldiers running around, they automatically assumed I was one of them, prepping to fight the Avengers.

I navigated the halls quickly, listening to Stark giving me instructions on how to get to the centre of the base.

Two guards appeared at the end of the hallway and I shot them, knowing they were heading directly towards Stark's location.

I gasped as I turned into a doorway and saw Stark's suit staring right back at me.

I left Stark in the room, walking down the hallway and heard two voices.

"Where is your girlfriend, Pietro?" I hid myself in the shadows, letting my invisibility take over as I eavesdropped on the twins.

"She is not my girlfriend, Wanda." Pietro snapped. "I just hurt her, what do I do? We fight against the Avengers yet she was there with them."

"But you care about her– you hate how the Avengers– how Stark took her."

Pietro turned around and faced his sister. "He's taken everything from me!" He yelled. Silence fell in the room. "He's taken our family from us, Wanda. He will not be taking her away from me too."

Pietro pushed past his sister and she stopped him, "how do you know she feels the same way for you?"

"I just do."

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