Chapter 6- Visitors

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The last thing I remember before now was being in the car with my mom. She was driving me to practice when a car turned the corner quickly. I was told that the car didn't see us and that they hit the back end of my side of the car. 

It was the strangest feeling waking up for the first time after the accident. I woke up and and saw a lot of blank white walls and blank white floors and white scrubs on doctors and white bedding. I quickly became alert, wondering what on Earth just happened? 

My mom was sitting next to me in a chair. She told me that I had had a concussion and fainted right after the accident. She told me the doctors will let me leave tomorrow hopefully but they wanted to make sure there wasn't any severe brain damage. 

I absorbed everything she told me like a sponge. It was crazy how all of this happened so quickly.

A few hours later it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. My Dad was working but I called him, my mom had gone exploring in the hospital and was who knows where, and I skyped with my older sister in college.

I was pretty bored and there wasn't a TV in my room. I played around with my hospital bracelet just thinking. I was deep in thought when I heard some steps coming down the hallway. I lifted my head a little to see who it was but I was just out of reach.

I sighed a little as I saw the doctor come in. "Would you like to have any visitors?" he asked. I nodded a little too vigourously giving myself a minor headache. 

My best friend Sophie walked in and gave me a quick hug. She sat at the end of my bed and we talked for a solid half an hour before she said "I'm thirsty! Do you have anything to drink here?" I smiled, "yeah there's a cafeteria downstairs to the left. If you go down can you get me a banana or something? I'm really hungry."

She bounced off my bed and quickly shuffled down the hallway obviously not knowing where to go.

I heard more steps coming back my way "It's okay if you can't get me a banana just get me something to eat.." I called out a little too loudly. 

Just as I finished screaming my requests a tall figure walked right past my room. I could've sworn it was.. no it couldn't be. I froze as I waited to hear the steps again. I heard them and the tall figure made it's way to my room. Sure enough it was him. David peered his head in slowly and seeing me  he walked slowly into the room. He was still wearing his backpack, he must have just come from school. "Hi" he said. "Hi" I tried to say cooly. 

"I heard about um.. your accident.. and..I..umm... wanted to make sure you were okay." He said.

"Thanks" I smiled. 

I saw a broken top of a daffodil in his hand. 

He stood in silence for a minute and to break it I asked "what's that in your hand?"

He looked down at his hand. He grinned a little and looked all the way up at the ceiling as if pondering how to explain it. "It's.. well I umm. I was walking in and there were these followers just sitting there and I saw this bright yellow one and I thought it was a nice color you know like it's happy and it's very.. nice looking and I liked it and I.. I thought of you. ...... So I picked it up and brought it with me." He slowly moved towards my hospital bed and set the semi-crushed flower on it.

"I like it very much," I smiled. I had always wanted flowers. This might have just been the sweetest gesture I've ever received.

"Your welcome" he smiled out of the corner of his mouth.

I got a text from Sophie saying that she wasn't allowed to take food out of the lunch area without a doctors note so she would be back in about an hour. 

"Who is that?" David asked.

"Time," I smiled.

For the next hour we talked and talked and talked. At first he sat in the chair my mom was sitting in but I could see discomfort on his face. Finally I got him to sit next to me in my oversized hospital bed. Since my phone was about to die from not being charged at home he took out his phone and we leaned in over it to read through incoming tweets and instagram posts.

We didn't run out of things to talk about. He had so many things to show me. 

I suppose you would too if you made a new friend. Wouldn't you want to show them everything you know.. and love?

I smiled the entire time. 

Sophie finally did come back though. She did bring me water because that was acceptable to the staff. She walked in and looked directly at David. He had been mean to her too in middle school. She gave me a look I had never seen before. Mostly confusion but with a lot of surprise.

"Hi.." she said. David looked up and quickly got to his feet. "I umm. I better go. I'll text you or something." 

"Oh okay" I said. Sophie sat down and went through the whole what-was-that thing. I explained how I didn't really know and afterwards Sophie sat in my mom's chair. She scrolled through her phone smiling and every once in a while showed me a funny picture or two.

I got a text from David. 

David: Hey

Me: How did you get your number in my contacts?

David: When you were looking at that youtube video I took your phone for a sec

Me: Oh:) Thanks for visiting me by the way. It meant a lot to have someone there.

David: Yeah no problem:)

After that my phone died, ending the perfect conversation to end a perfect evening.

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