Chapter 12

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Hello everyone Iam SOO SORRY i haven't updated I've been busy with school but hey its SUMMER now soo YAY ! Ok hope you like this chap ! ... enjoy :)


*Rebeca's P.O.V.

As Louis and I left the zoo holding hands we started talking and decided we need to tell Harry about 'our' relationship. As I nervously played with my bracelets . I said;

" loui im scared ."

"Why are you scared love ?"

"What if Harry doesn't want to talk to me anymore because Im dating his best mate ?"

" Love... He will but he will probably want time to take this all in . He cant be mad because his little sister found someone who she loves , which so happened to be his best friend ."

"Okay loui thanks i love you "

I turned to my side and gave him a quick peck on the lips .


As we arrived at Harry's flat I felt very nervous and scared . Today is the day Louis and I are going to tell him we are together. As we stopped and parked I felt Louis squeeze my hand .

" Love its going to be alright ! I will never let anyone or anything get in between us "

As I stared into his ocean blue eyes I told him

" Loui I love you very much and if Harry doesn't approve then I don't care I wont let him ruin our relationship"

As he smiled and looked into my eyes he leaned forward and kissed me slowly and passionately . When our little make out session ended we both looked at each other and got off the car .

* Louis' P.O.V

As we made our way towards the front door I rang the doorbell and as Harry opened the door he had a shocked and confused face on .

"Um Rebeca what are you doing with Louis at my house together?"

I rubbed my neck nervously.

"Uh can we come inside mate ?"

"Yes but you guys better have a good explanation for this !"

As we entered his flat Rebeca and I sat down together while Harry sat across from us in the other couch.

"So EXPLAIN why my best mate is at my house with MY baby sister !"

" Well um mate Rebeca and I came here to tell you .."

Right when I was about to finish my sentence I was cut off by Rebeca speaking.

" Harry... me and loui are together.. as in dating . Im sorry big brother but if you can't understand how much we love each other then I don't know what to tell you ."

Harry had his mouth open but right when he turned his head my direction he clenched his fists and got up and said " LOUIS TOMLINSON why the hell are you dating my baby sister who also claims to LOVE you !!"

"Mate I'm sorry but we love each other and came here for your blessing ."

"well I do NOT approve I do NOT want you dating my sister you guys HAVE to break up "

" Do you honestly think I will break up with the only person I truly loved in my whole life !? Well you are wrong Mate ! But it would have been nice to get your blessing but that obviously isn't going to happen ."

He stood up and grabbed me by the arm and said " I need to talk to you come with me and Rebeca you stay here ."

* Harry's P.O.V

Once when I saw those two together I knew something was up but right when my little sister said she was dating my best mate thats what made me mad . But when I told them I didn't approve something snapped in Louis. I had never seen him that mad before so thats when I knew he was going to treat my sister right .

" I need to talk to you come with me and Rebeca you stay here ."

When I went outside with Louis I gave him my blessing .

" I give you my blessing but you have to treat my sister right or I will Hurt you."

" I understand mate and yes I will love and protect her with all I have"


Hey its kinda short but hey at least i updated ! And i havnt updated in a while !! So tell me what you think !





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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