Chapter 16 - Double Trouble

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“Kol” I was messing on my “yeah” he came out of the bathroom from his shower “my mothers name was Evelyn how about that for a girl” he smiled fondly at me “that would be wonderful darling” I placed my laptop on the bed and went over to him. I slipped my arms around his neck and brought him down for a kiss, “I love you Kol Mikaelson” I announced “I love you more Charlotte Mikaelson” he pecked me a few times “Caroline’s here” he whispered. We smiled, he went to get dressed while I went downstairs “where’s Tyler” she asked “I don’t know what you mean?” he answered.

“Klaus do I really…” I stopped mid sentence (on purpose) “oh. Sorry. I thought… I’m going to go”  I went to head out “what is it that you wanted Charlotte” Klaus called I turned back round “only that I’m not going to the 20s dance don’t feel so good” I clapped my hands and headed out but came back in “me and Kol are leaving he’s taking me shopping after we see your hybrid progress on the house” I smiled “does he know he taking you shopping” he questioned.

Me and Klaus have gotten close we have a understanding but we’re not like siblings. “take a wild guess Klaus” I smirked and left the room with him laughing. I was waiting by the car when Elijah appeared “I need you help. Well more like my…” he trailed off “what’s wrong” he took my hand and lead me inside “KOL! NIKLAUS!” he yelled. The came into the living room along with Caroline “goodbye Caroline” Elijah looked at her with a ‘leave now and I won’t rip your heart out’ she left.

 I shushed them, rubbing my hands together I created a bubble then nodded “what’s going on” Kol questioned I shrugged “remove the dead heartbeats and how many do you hear” Elijah ordered the place fell silent “two heartbeats” Kol grinned “great double trouble” the lights flickered furiously  “nice try, love” Klaus spoke “that wasn’t me Klaus” I laughed. “okay so how did we miss this 1 we’ve been planning for 1” Kol spoke. I gasped


I stood in front of Ester she had Elena “you can’t hurt me not in your state” she laughed “you might want to reconsider” I smiled and started chanting while she was distracted Klaus stabbed her.


“she’s back” were the first words I muttered “Esters back” their faces dropped. “i wondered when she would return” Klaus sat down and I did the same “where’s Rebekah?” I questioned “she went to do stuff for the dance tonight” he brushed off “okay so what do we do?” Kol took my side “nothing.” I say “Wait until she makes the first move, it has worked for us and will do the same right when she think she has us I’ll bring her plan down in flames.” I stood up; and took Kol’s had “this day will go on as normal, me and Kol will see how the progress is going on and then a shopping trip is in order, after all you now have three people to please” I smiled at him and we left.

At the site the skeleton was up and the hybrid were working and so was Stefan  “hey Stefan how’s things going” I went and hugged him “good the area has been chopped down with everything going at this pace a couple of months everything will be finished” I nodded Kol was looking around “are you going to the dance tonight?” he asked “nope I’m going to talk to the witches, I just found out I’m having twins” I tell him “that’s great” I sigh “well I’m going, torturing Kol is fun.” I laughed as I saw his eyebrows furrow “shopping for me and for the new house well sort of, mostly for me.” Kol came back you ready love I nodded and we left.

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