Chapter 14 - Project

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*Charlotte *

 I woke up the next day it was round 11 and I made my way downstairs “Stefan” I called out “in the kitchen” he called back I made my way to the kitchen, Stefan was sat drinking some coffee “do you have juice?” he went to the fridge and pulled some out and poured me a glass “there you go” he passed me it. That’s when Damon came in “oh your still here” I rolled his eyes I place down my glass on the island. I raced and held him against the wall “I may not be able to lay a finger on Elena but nothing was mentioned about you. Don’t mess with me Damon” I dropped him.

“If I can have the contracts and everything. I will be on my way” I turned back to Stefan. He nodded and I went to get changed. Coming back downstairs Stefan  was holding papers “all we need to do is sign them over too you. Come on” we were about to leave “where are you two going” we both ignored him and left. In the car I rung Kol “hello love” he answered “hey so I will be back this afternoon spending sometime with Stefan” I told him “so you still have one brother” I laughed “yes”

I ended the call and rung Klaus “I though you hated me” was his opening line “hate is a strong word dislike covers it you didn’t kill me only put me too sleep” I answered beck “okay I though you disliked me so why are you ringing me when I know you just spoke to Kol” he questioned “well I thought I would give you a chance to redeem yourself. I want to stay in Mystic falls but not at the mansion I don’t think the others will take kindly to a newborn waking them up all the time”

“So…” he drawled “if Kol agrees I have the all the stuff I need to build on the old Salvatore land nice new place for the new family of vampires. What I need is your contacts or hybrids to do the work. You get whatever you’ve been forgiven” I chirped “that and is for your niece and nephew who knows maybe even more, even better you might be their favourite uncle” I looked at Stefan who was shaking his head. “Fine if Kol agrees you have my hybrids and contractors at your disposal” I did a little dance “thank you Klaus” I ended the call and we arrived at the lawyers.

We got out of the car “that was a dirty trick you played” he playfully scolded “if you noticed I said might” I replied. “Hello how can I help you” I went to sit down as Stefan told her what we wanted then he joined me “is the lawyer or Vervain” I questioned “no why?” he answered “just wondering” we were called in and explained the transference. “what’s your full name” he asked “Mrs Charlotte Anne Mikaelson” I told him “maiden name” “Salvatore”  he filled them out then I signed “thank you” then we left.

I arrived back at the Mikaelson manor I was going to find him but my ankles were sore so I went to the front room “KOL, LIVING ROOM” I shouted I plopped down on one of the chairs and Kol was in front of me “hello love, I missed you” he kissed me before lifting me up and perching me on his lap “I missed you too, but right now we need to talk” I replied “oh, about what” he was intrigued  “well as you know I want to stay in mystic falls  but have a lace of our own if you agree everything can begin” I told him.

“and where would we live” he asked “my families old land is now in my name we can rebuild on it and restore what once was” was the answer “okay how do we rebuild we have no one to do it for us?” I smiled “I spoke to Klaus with you permission his hybrids everything is at our disposal” I replied “you thought of everything didn’t you” I nodded “fine. Will it be a monor or a small house” he wondered “manor of course old design with a modern twist but there is a condition” he rolled his eyes “go on” I smiled “you have to work with Stefan” he groaned “for two reasons me and he knows the layout better than anyone he know what I want it to look like” he sighed “okay. Your lucky I love you so much”

I went and talked to Klaus and told him we had the go ahead I gave him the plans and told him about working with Stefan he reluctantly agreed. 

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