Chapter 5

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Sighing, I rinsed the sponge in the now murky water. The stupid lettering was a nightmare to get off. Already I had spent the past 2 hours ignoring phone calls from school and scrubbing at the stupid car. But the worst bit was seeing the writing, if it freaked me out the first time now, I was beyond scared. I had already pondered about ringing the police but my status didn't help; teenage boy probably out for a prank. Besides, these people hadn't done anything that drastic. I mean I had dreamed that scene hadn't I? I had come to the conclusion that I had been moaning in my sleep and someone heard. Call me ignorant; I don't care because I'm sick and tired of these stupid people messing around with my head....and car. This had gone on long enough and worst of all, I didn't know what to do about it. My parents would laugh and brush it off a nothing, the police would think I'm mucking around and my friends would believe it to be 'cool'.

And that was when I first saw her.... that girl or rather a sophisticated young women as I would hasten to call her. I was cleaning out my mum's car in the driveway when she strode purposely passed, after running me down with a quizzical look. She was speaking to someone on her phone but I couldn't hear them on the other line. Now, before you think it, this is not where the guy immediately falls in love and after some time, the girl falls for him back, no. I'm not soppy and I definitely didn't feel anything. Na-da, not a thing. My tummy didn't do flip-flops, my arms didn't tingle and my eyes most certainly did not bulge out of their sockets (because that would just be too embarrassing!) Ok, I'm lying - that did happen. But her image stayed burned into my mind. her blond hair swept casually over her shoulders, her sky-blue top accentuating her electric blue eyes, making them seem vibrant and alive, sparkling in the sunlight as she ran me over with a quick glance. Her white, long trousers ended at her feet where white pumps with blue bows were stylishly added to complete the outfit.

I knew she would forget me, but I wouldn't forget her for a while. Sure, I had gone out with a few girls but they hadn't really made me feel this way and we hadn't done much except occasionally go to the cinema or café. Anyway, back to the car.......


Hi!!!!!! Sorry; seems to keep ending with a car doesn't it?! Ah well, pleeeeeeeeeese do the below; vote comment and fan!!!!!! Xx ;) Btw nice song on the side which kind of links in with the chapter......

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