Chapter 35

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Jessie's POV

After awhile we get back into the car and I drive us to Starbucks. There's never such a thing as not wanting coffee. I get a white chocolate mocha while Dani gets a mocha frappucino. We sit talking at one of the tables for awhile when someone comes up to us.

"Hey um I just wanted to say that I think you're pretty cute," this guy says looking at Dani. I hold back a squeal and watch to see how my younger sister reacts. First she turns bright red followed by her hands beginning to shake.

"Th-th-thank you," Dani stutters and I can tell she's facepalming herself internally. The guy smiles at her and she smiles back. I'm probably grinning from ear to ear at this point.

"I'm Ben by the way," he says and extends his hand, Dani shakes it.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Dani," my sister says and I clear my throat reminding her that I'm still here. She jumps a little and looks at me sheepishly, "Oh yeah and that's one of my older sisters Jessie." Ben and I say hi to each other and he seems decent. As long as he doesn't turn out like Eric, I'm good.

Ben leaves after exchanging numbers with Dani and as I look at her she's glowing. I'm thankful that I took her to Starbucks, now she has something with potential going for her. We discuss the conversation the entire way home and I notice she has a spring in her step and that makes me happy. I hate when my siblings feel down.


It's our last day before the girls' tour and we're getting last minute things and also trying to relax at the same time. Amy, Lisa, Kath, and Alex are watching a movie while Christina, Lauren, and I are organizing and making sure we all have everything. I double check my suitcase and ensure all the clothes and makeup I need are in there.

"Where's Dani?" Christina asks walking into our room. Lauren looks at me curiously.

"Um she went out with a friend of hers," I respond. Dani and Ben have been talking and texting nonstop for the last few days and it's become almost nauseating. At the same time, it's really cute. She hasn't told anyone but Lisa yet though, and Lisa knows only because she wouldn't drop the subject.

"Does this friend happen to be a boy?" Christina asks and I look away, knowing whatever I do or say will give it away. Lauren gasps.

"Dani has a boyfriend and didn't tell me?!" She exclaims and I nod sheepishly and respond, "Well they're not dating but they are cute together."

The next few hours we spend all together talking about Dani and Ben and then other things as well. Dani comes home and we all eat our last home cooked family dinner all together.

Dad, Mike and the younger boys are staying home. It's going to be weird without them. It's also gonna be so weird to go to a different place. I've never flown before and it's stressing me out a little but I keep reassuring myself that I'll be fine.

I take a shower after dinner and then sit in my bed, taking in the last bit of comfort at home. I won't see my bed for awhile and I know I'm going to miss it. I fall asleep early just as all my sisters do because we have to wake up early for what might just be one of the best experiences of our lives.

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