Chapter 4~Nicholas

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Okay is all I could say after I hung up the phone in shock. The female had my little brother all these years. I'm going to kill her and her daddy. I'm going to find this female and take her ass down. Who the fuck this girl thought she was trying to take over and run shit? Something just don't feel right though. I felt it in the pit of my stomach when I got off the phone with my henchman. I swear that female better not have killed him.
I tried to call him back two times, but I didn't get an answer. I called my close cousin Raymond. "Hello?", he said in a sleepy tone. I sighed and said in a pleading tone,"I need your help man."
"I'll be over there in thirty minutes bruh.", he said then hung up. I can always depend on Raymond. He has been there for me and supported me through a lot.
Raymond is a heavy set but in shaped dark skinned guy with dark brown eyes. He has long dreads that stop to the middle of his back and keeps it styled up. Raymond has a full clean cut beard and tattoos that cover both of his arms. Being in and out of jail he managed to some how get a new one every time. I finally heard him pull up in what seemed like forever so I went down stairs out of the HQ to greet my big cousin.
"Aye, what's up man?", I asked while giving him the brotherly hand shake that turns into an one arm hug.
"Shit nothing much. What's up with you? Yo' ass calling me at eleven in the morning like a nigga ain't sleep.", he said while we both went inside and up to my office.
"There's this chick from Atlanta who's trying to take over my city man." , I said while rubbing my face when I get stressed out. "There's always somebody trying to take over your 'city' nigga. I can't believe your worried about one little female though.", he said then sat down in the chair that was sitting across from my desk. "This 'female' has Tiwan."
"Are you serious nigga?" Raymond pulled out his cell phone and started texting.
"Dead ass bruh. I think she got one of my henchman too because I sent him to go spy on her and when I tried calling him, he didn't answer the phone."
"Damn man. I know you probably want to kill her, but you should think about this for a minute. Think of a plan to get Tiwan back first. You don't want to make her mad or she might end up killing him while he's with her." Even though he is acting kind of funny and anxious I asked, "What would you do Ray?"
"After finally putting his phone back in his pocket he said,"Wait for her to call. You said she got one of your henchman right?"
"She's more than likely gone try to get some information out of him. If he's a punk who gives in, he'll tell her where you are since you sent him to spy on her. All he care about right now is his life. He don't give a damn about yours."
"What if she don't do that?"
"She will. Trust me. Every female is curious."
With that said we both started to patiently wait for the phone call.

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