Chapter 04|| Awkward Introductions.

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Chapter Four: Awkward Introductions.

"She wants to be wild, beautiful & free. Just like the sea."


I raise my eyebrows incredulously, "I'm worth seventy five dollars?"

"That's not much, I mean she doesn't even have a job!" Wren agrees.

"I don't think you two understand," Stiles pipes, "It's not seventy five dollars, Aida. It's seventy five million."

I feel as if I had just been hit in the stomach. With a wrecking ball. Going a hundred million miles an hour.

Seventy five million dollars? That's ridiculous! Besides being a Nymph, I have no monetary worth! I don't have a job, I'm not a straight A student, I don't even have a pet–which is really sad because I've been telling Jonah that I want a dog for like two years now, and he doesn't even listen! He's a really bad guardian now that I think of it–I don't own expensive clothes, my house isn't that big, and I don't even drive a car!

"Holy shit." Wren murmurs.

"That–that's insane!" I shriek, totally dumbfounded, "First of all, it's really stupid to place prices on people, like who thinks they're so high and mighty to place monetary value on people?! Second of all, who would even want us dead? This is so weird!"

Stiles takes a step forward, towards me. "Aida, calm down–"

"I won't calm down!" I scream, my heart pounding a million miles an hour. "I'm worth seventy five million dollars on a dead pool, Stiles! I'm barely 5'5, how on Earth do you expect me to defend myself! Oh, God, I have to tell Jonah, we need to move very, very far away from here. Like to Mexico! You guys went to Mexico for a while, right? It sounds lovely! Yes, I'm telling Jonah that we're moving to Mexico. He could bring Claire if he'd like–I really doubt anyone would try to go across the border just to kill me, right? I mean, they'd have to be really dedicated, which I doubt they are. Would you go across the border to kill me? I didn't think so. Maybe once we find a house we could get a dog, I could name him Simba. I really want a St. Bernard, but I feel like the name won't suit him. Would a husky suit the name better? Mexico sounds like a really exciting place, with no killers, right? Are there killers there–well, duh, they're killers all over the world! We'll just have to move to a safer part, I'm sure Jonah–"

"Aida?" Scott queries.


"You're rambling."

My cheeks redden as I turn self–conscious. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize." Scott orders, "It's okay to be scared–heck, I'm scared and I'm not even close to being as much as you're worth. And no, you're not moving to Mexico, Aida."

"Why not?" I grumble, "It sounds like a really cool place! Without supernatural thingies and with St. Bernards!"

"I'm sure there are supernatural thingies in Mexico, A." Wren pipes.

"Besides, I'm sure you could get a St. Bernard here." Liam chirps with a huge grin from side to side.

I smile at him. Then, Lydia turns to face me, "I know, you're scared, Aida. But this only means one thing–you need to start mastering your powers so you can defend yourself in any possible life threatening situation."

"This is so stupid," I huff, "Why would anyone even want me dead?"

"Because you're one of a kind, Aida," Stiles explains, "There's no one else like you in this entire world."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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