O N E - U N K N O W N

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She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell.

-Nikita Gill



The uninvited light that seeped through the crack of the window along with the grim reminder - my alarm - woke me up for school. After getting ready and slipping into my school uniform, I ran downstairs for the breakfast my mother had made for me. I sat down, indulging the food before my mother asked, "Ready for the second semester?"

"No," I responded, receiving a chuckle from her.

"Why?" She asked, sitting down a chair away from me. "The teachers think you dyed your hair again?"

I shook my head. Well, they used to. The school I attend doesn't allow the dying of hair or jewelry. Only a subtle amount of makeup and that's it. Of course, you'd have those that go overboard with that.

"They think you're wearing contacts?" My mother asked a question more.

I shook my head. "Then why?"

"Because," I said, "it's school we're talking about here. Studying, classes, teachers, people."

"Pfft! Come on." My mother got up and shook my shoulders. "You do good in school and I don't remember you getting any detention."

"I got one for saying that I didn't dye my hair to a teacher." I pointed at my hair.

"Ugh." My mother groaned. "Mr. Pines? I always hated him. He taught me and I had a burning hatred for that old man. I know for a fact he hates me as well. So I guess he hates my daughter."

"Ah, I see." I nodded, taking a sip of coffee.

My father entered, giving a kiss to my mother. I gagged playfully and they both glared at me. I placed my hands up in defense even though I was playing.

"So, how's my baby doing?" My father asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

"You don't sound fine." My father raised his eyebrows. I reassured him I was positively fine.

"Well, you're gonna be late if you don't go brush your teeth," he said before we hear honking outside.

"Oh, that must be Eli," I said, getting up. My mother sticks her finger in her mouth in a mocking manner. I rolled my eyes.

After brushing my teeth and getting my bag, I kissed my parents goodbye and walk out through the door. As I walked down the pavement, I saw Eli holding the passengers door open. "Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning," I responded dully, plopping down on the seat.

He entered and sat in the drivers seat. "Ouch, not even a good morning but a morning?"

"Oh shut up," I slapped his arm playfully. He suddenly started staring at me and I looked at him with a questioning look. "What?"

"Huh?" He blinked. "Oh, sorry. You look more beautiful than usual with that hairstyle of yours."

"Oh," I blushed, touching my hair consciously. Usually, my hair would just be let down. Today it was in a waterfall braid. Eli held the side of my face and smirks.

"Is Aviana blushing?" He grinned a mischievous one.

I shook my head before he gives me a peck on the lips. I pulled away and blushed uncontrollably that people would consider to take me to a hospital. "Oh, sorry. I forgot that you're not used to kissing me a lot."

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