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I begin my day how I usually do: shower, dress, make breakfast, grab the post and get to school.

The guys stayed only a couple hours, told me a bit about themselves: they've known eachother since kids: Michael met Ashton at a concert when they were teens, and since kept contact.
They're apparently Australian, but ever since they were kids wanted to move to Britain together.

They're all wonderful guys, other than each other, they apparently don't have many friends. Like me.

It's getting to Winter time, so I put on some high waisted skinny jeans and put on a plain black top with a checkered open shirt over the top. There's no dress code at this school, which is good. As long as I'm covered and am not wearing anything ridiculous, it's fine.

I know for a fact it's Mrs.Grindowals birthday today, so on the way to hers I'm getting her some flowers, chocolates, and some treats for her dog.

I put my purse, glasses and phone into my bag, grabbing a coat on my way out.

Good choice wearing dark colours to work as if you don't, your outfit will soon be very colourful.

I close my door, and head down the small steps, opening the big two doors, and beginning to walk to the school.


I hold Jake's arm and sign 'Give Nia back her dolly please, she loves that thing and you know it'

He sighs and pulls away from me, giving her the dolly back. 'Thank you' I sign, moving my hand from my chin back down to my side.

2:30pm, finally! Time to go home. I love it here, but I feel relieved to finally go. Today was one of the harder days.

I grab my bag and coat, and say goodbye, waving. Just before I open the door, a small figure pulls on my top.

I look down and the little girl, Nia, signs to me 'my mummy can't pick me up until 4'.

I put my hand to my face, and sign 'okay, don't worry'. I need to talk to the head master about this, make sure everything's okay.

I walk into his room 'Nia says her mother can't pick her up until 4, can you ring her and check it's okay if I look after her until then? I can text her my address' I sign, finally putting my hand down and grabbing Nia's hand.

The headmaster is hearing, but signs perfectly. Nia's mother is deaf, so to call, the headmaster talks and an interpreter interprets to her.

Once he calls, he signs to me 'she says that's perfect, she forgot to mention it once she dropped Nia off'

'Okay' I sign, smiling, getting her mother's number before leaving with her hand in mine.

'I'm going to a friend's house today, do you like dogs?' I sign.

'I love dogs!' she signs before jumping and clapping, smiling brightly.

'Great' I chuckle.


Flowers, chocolates, treats, and many sweets later.. We finally get to Mrs.Grindowalls house.

Nia insisted on having a Freddo, so of course, I caved.

I knock on Mrs.Grindowals door, and find Michael answering. I gasp lightly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Angel! What are you doing here? And who's this?" I point inside, trying to indicate a notepad and pen.

"Right, sorry, wait, come in.." he opens the door, letting me and Nia inside.

He hands me them both, and I begin to write 'Nia is one of the girls from school, and she needed a nanny until her mum could pick her up, and Mrs.Grindowals is a friend of mine, for a year or so now'

He reads it and nods "Okay, well.. Rose is my grandma, on my mum's side, it's why she doesn't have my surname" I nod back, smiling. Wow, small world.

I wonder why she lives here..

I walk over to Mrs.Grindowals and give her the flowers and chocolates, the flowers having a note saying 'Happy Birthday'.

"Aww, dearie me! You didn't have to get me anything, lovely!" she squeals, hugging me tightly.

I sign 'you're welcome' and smile brightly.

"Does that sign mean you're welcome?" she asks, I nod and smile as she copies it. I help her and clap when she finally gets it.

Michael comes up and says "I wanna try it!" I giggle, standing up properly and grabbing his hands whilst Nia goes up to Rose and starts talking to her. Nia can lip read, speak, and sign.

"Like this?" he questions, finally getting it.

I nod, smiling.

He smiles brightly, showing his teeth. I chuckle, just now taking in just how cute he really is. I shake my head slightly, turning away.

I walk over to Ruby and give her a couple treats after hugging and stroking her.

I write down 'I'll see you soon.' and hand the note to Mrs.Grindowals before telling Nia we have to go and grabbing her hand.

Michael puts his hand on my shoulder "Hold up, I'm coming with".

I nod, waiting in the hall. Once he arrives, we finally leave.

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