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Later on that same day, I notice the lights in my house flashing, indicating someone is here.

I quickly stop in the middle of cooking to answer the door, I open the door to see Michael and a boy with dark hair.

"Hi, this is Calum, we both came over to say sorry about earlier, also he wanted to see yo-"

"Michael keeps saying you're hot" the dark haired boy butts in.

I widen my eyes, and begin to chuckle lightly with both of them.

I pull my eyebrows into a 'really?' kind of look.

"He lies" Michael chuckles, smirking.

I see the light for my fire alarm above my door and begin to freak out, running into the kitchen, grabbing the fire extinguisher and putting it over my burning food.


I have the fire alarms scattered about the house.

I groan, turning my head to see the two boys now in my house.

I sigh, gesturing for them to come sit down, and going to close the door behind them.

Michael taps me on the shoulder, making me look him straight in the face.

"Would you like us to order you some pizza?" he smiles politely.

I nod, smiling lightly. I grab the nearest pen and paper, writing 'You can both stay if you want: would be my treat' I put it in Michael's hand and smile.

He nods, grinning brightly. "Incase you didn't know, it's not just me and Calum, we have 2 other friends if you'd want to meet then sometime: Luke and Ashton"

I watch his lips carefully, taking it in. I nod, smiling. I take the pad from him and write 'bring them down here to get some pizza'.

"You sure?" he asks, I nod in return.

He turns to Calum and send Calum up to get them both.


I see the light in the middle of Ashton talking to me about how the guys are obsessed with Fifa.

I put my hand up, smiling politely. I stand up and walk over to the door, opening it up.

Before I can take it, I see Luke beside me, taking it and thanking him.

I frown. I've never had anyone doing things for me.. is it because I'm deaf? I'm not unable.

I grab the pad and pen again, writing 'why did you do that?'.

He looks at it and quickly puts the pizzas down, looking me in the eyes "I just thought you'd need a hand, you're only little" he smiles brightly, ruffling my hair gently.

I chuckle lightly, pushing his hand away from my head playfully.


"So, what music do you like?" Calum asks, getting a smack in the head from Ashton.

"Dude" he rolls his eyes.

I grab the pad, writing 'I like music: I can't hear it, but I can feel it, my mum says it makes me able to detect the good music'. I hold it up in the air so everyone can see.

"Where does your mum live? And what about your dad? You never mention him" Calum asks, grabbing a slice of pizza.

I begin to write again 'my mum lives with my brother, he's 24, but has severe needs, so she has to stay with him, but they visit sometimes. As for my dad, he died when I was 3. I don't remember him.' I hold it up for them to see, biting my lip gently.

Luke frowns "I'm so sorry, Angel".

I shrug.

«Blue.»Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ