New beginnings

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I hate this. I hate this a lot. School here starts so early.
'Yes, Lexa. You do have to go to school.' My mom said from outside my bedroom door. How'd she know what I was going to say? 'Lexa, we talked about this. You're strong! You shouldn't worry about what other people think about you. Be as strong and proud as you are at home and I'm sure they'll love you.' I smiled at my moms words. She always knew how too make me feel better about everything. I opened my mouth to speak, but again she beat me to it. 'Yes. You do have to go in on time.' How does she do that!

After I dragged myself out of my bed, I had a shower. Freshly showered, I pulled a plain black tank top over my head, pulled on my blue jeans and tied my red fabric belt around my waist. I left my hair mostly down but plaited parts of it. My mom had made me bacon for breakfast but I was in a rush so I only ate half of it before shouting a goodbye to my mom and leaving for school. Our house was about a fifteen minute walk away from school. By the time I got to school there was about ten minutes left school, there was still ten minutes left, but I had to grab my schedule.

'Um, hey! I'm Lexa. I'm new today.' I told the middle-aged woman sat behind the desk at the office.

'Ah, yes! I have your schedule right here' she told me. She fumbled around with some papers on her desk for a few seconds before pulling out a piece of paper with my classes on it.

'Thanks.' I smiled to the lady, who offered me a smile before I left. There was still about five or so minuets before I had to be in my first class so I decided to look around for my first class. I thought that would be the easy part of my day. Oh, how I was wrong. This school is so big! I probably looked so lost, but I took my moms advice and walked through the halls with pride. Okay, I have to be close right? This school can't be much bigger. I continued to wander until I saw a group of five people who looked to be in my year. I thought they could help me, and walked over to them.

'Hey, I'm new here and I just wanted to know if you knew where my first class was?' I asked them. The tall girl with long brown hair nudged the blond girl.

'Hey, we got fresh meat' she whispered. The blonde girl turned and looked at me. She was so beautiful. I looked away when I realized I was staring.

'If you guys are busy, I can look on my own' I said and turned to walk away a when a hand grabbed my arm. I stopped and turned to see the blonde girl had stopped me.

'Hey, we're not busy. Let me see your schedule.' She told me. I gave her my schedule and she looked at it for a moment. 'Yeah, your class is just down the hall. Follow this corridor to the end, turn left and it's the second door on the right.'

'Second door on the right. Go it. Thanks.' I smiled.

'By the way, my name's clarke' she smiled. 'This is Octavia' she pointed to the tall one who spoke first, 'this is Lincoln' she pointed to the tall dark skinned one, 'he's octavias boyfriend'. 'This is raven' she said pointing to the shorter one with her hair pulled back. 'And this is Bellamy, he's octavias brother' she told me. I smiled at all of them.

'I'm Lexa, it was nice to meet you all' then the bell rang and I turned and walked to my first class. English, yay. Ah, sarcasm, what would I do without you my old friend. I sat down in an empty seat at the back. The after most seats in the class had been filled, the teacher walked in. He was loosing some of his hair on top and was going grey. 'Good morning class. We have a new student, Lexa. Lexa, my name is Mr. jaha. Would you care to stand up and say something about yourself?' No. I stood up and everyone looked at me. What do I say. I'm not ready to say that I prefer girls. I don't know what their reaction would be. 'I used to go to a very small school until I moved here. I like nature a lot. There's not much else to tell.' I sat down. Then the door opened and in walked Clarke.

'Sorry sir. I was busy.'

'It's okay, just take your seat.' She started to walk in my direction and smiled when she saw me. She sat in the row next to mine and one seat ahead. Maybe this lesson won't be so bad after all.

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