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 My name Charlotte Anne Salvatore I was born 18th April 1845, Died 7th October 1864 aged 19.

This is my life after death story

I lived the best life a girl could have. I was adored by my father and brothers, the men of Mystic falls complemented my beauty where as other women envied it. Through out my nineteen years I never found the one to call my own I was asked to be courted but I had my Father turned them down either him or my brothers.

Now as I talk I may sound as if I was murdered or died full stop when the truth is. I became a Vampire the creature of the night that mainly survives on the blood of others. When I was turned I had no idea what was going on all I was left with was the clothes on my back and an ugly looking ring on my middle finger. Literally I was left on my own to roam the world; I had heard that my brothers were killed by none other than my father who then died himself. All of my family dead. I

Forever alone

Or so I thought

10 years after I was turned I met him the one I wanted to spend the rest of my undead life with. His name was Kol Mikaelson who was none other than and original vampire himself to him it never mattered that I was turned and spent some of his time figuring out who turned me. 5 years of being together he proposed and we were married. We moved around every few years England and America alike until 1910


I and Kol were in at Atlanta we had arrived back a few days ago and was buying a new place. “Kol someone is following us” I muttered to him he nodded “I know were nearly home just keep calm” he slipped his arm around my waist as we continued walking.

“Hello brother” another vampire appeared in front of us “Niklaus” Kol greeted, Niklaus smiled “and who is this lovely maiden” he kissed my hand “Niklaus this is my WIFE Charlotte, Darling this is my brother Niklaus” he introduced us “nice too meet you” I curtsied “Wife I never thought I’d see the day. Tell me Charlotte who are you sired too” he questioned as we started walking “sired?” I asked not knowing what that meant “who blood turned you into one of us” he clarified.

 “I have no idea. In my home town there were several vampire who took up residence, Kol has been trying to figure out who it was” I informed him “ah it seems like you have my little brother wrapped around your little finger” he joked “what are you doing here brother” Kol  sounded bored. We arrived outside our home “I’m here to do this” he stabbed Kol through the heart with a dagger. I screamed he looked me in the eye “you will sleep and will only awaken when Kol is undaggered.”

My eyes fell heavy as I fell into a deep sleep never knowing on when I shall awaken.

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