Capricorn(f) X Pisces(f)

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Alright! I hope you like it. Here goes nothing:

Capricorn dug her head into her book. She knew the Percy Jackson Series was a kid's book; she couldn't help but read it for the second time. She had just started the second book and the sun was already beginning to rise . Her eyes were barley staying open. She was exhausted but refused to go to sleep.

She heard footsteps but didn't move. Hair brushed against her face but, it wasn't her own. She ignored that as well. A voice whispered in her ear. "Hey, babe. It's 4:30 and you look like you're about to fall asleep. I made you some coffee."

Pisces laid a mug on the side table next to the couch Capricorn was sitting on. "You can drink this coffee or go to bed. Either which way, i'll be staying with you." Pisces kissed her cheek.

Capricorn laid her book on the side table, turned around and looked at Pisces. "I'd rather spend some time with you than drink coffee or go to bed, can I do that?" A playful smile danced at her lips. She pulled Pisces towards her and their lips crashed together.

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