Cancer(m) X Scorpio(f)

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Scorpio paced furiously around the dark hallway. It was 3am but, he couldn't get the thought of getting revenge on Cancer, out of his head.

He knew Cancer was just joking when he held his book over his head. He had even tried kicking him in the shins and launching himself off furniture. In the end, it was no use. Cancer had finally given Scorpio the book after getting tired of laughing. Scorpio couldn't help but get pissed off. It's hard being the small one in the relationship.

Scorpio's eyes widened in realization. He knew exactly how to show Cancer how he was feeling. He crept to the entrance of Cancer's room and peaked in. He was sleeping peacefully but not for long. Scorpio dared into the kitchen and filled up a large bucks with tap water. He laid the bucket next to Cancer's bed and pulled up a chair. He slung the bucket onto his shoulder's and claimed onto the chair.

Scorpio grinned manically. He screamed; "WHO'S THE TALL ONE NOW FUCKER?" Cancer was startled awake just in time to see Scorpio pouring a bucket onto him.

Seeing that Cancer was awake, Scorpio jumped on to his back and yelled; "KARMA'S A BITCH, ISN'T IT?" Scorpio lost his grip as he fell onto the bed in a fit of laughter.

Cancer tackled him, smiling. "I'll make you pay for that." They stayed up for the rest of the night having the ultimate tickle/tackle fight. :))))))))

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