Scorpio(m) X Scorpio(f)

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Scorpio laid under the blanket of constellations that painted the night sky. It was a warm evening to begin with but the fact that Scorpio (f) accompanied him made it all the better.

They had been dating for a while though Scorpio (f) wanted to do something special for him. She wasn't here at the moment and had ran off to their car to get something; she hasn't specified what but he trusted her.

A small voiced close to his ear whispered; "You smell better when you're awake."

"tHE FUCK?!?" He squealed and lurched forwards. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Scorpio (f) looked unamused.

He hated surprises. Ugh why would she scare him like that? How would she feel.

Scorpio angrily stared at the ground, think up ways to get revenge on her. Nothing popped into his head.

"Just because my soul is an endless pit of darkness doesn't mean I don't have feelings." He jokingly whined. He still held back feeling of anger. She didn't know any better and she was just too cute in that black dress.

Scorpio (f) crawled closer to him and pulled him towards her. "Does that mean I-" she paused and bit her lip seductively "deserve punishment?" They began hardcore making out and a bit more if you know what I'm mean ;)

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