Cancer(m) X Cancer(f)

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Cancer (f)walked through their apartment with flowers. They had a minor fight yesterday and she was hoping the gift would make up for it.

She tentatively laid down the flowers on the coffee table. Cancer (m) was sitting on the couch directly next to it. His ear buds were shoved into his ears and he looked deep in thought.

"U-um, I brought you flowers, honey." she said. He slammed his earbuds onto the coffee table.

"See! You're doing it again. You're making me feel like less of a man. The men in relationship's are supposed to get the girls flowers, not the other way around!" He snarled.

"ExSCUSE ME?!" Cancer (f) shrieked. "If the men in the relationship are supposed to buy the girl flowers then why the hell are you sitting here on your lazy ass? Are you too sick to go to work because of your 'poor mental health'? That's bullshit. I've seen you at your worst and even then you've still tried going to work. And if something really is bothering you why aren't you telling me?" She mocked and sat down on the couch. After thinking about what she had said, she covered her face.

Why was being in a relationship with him so difficult??? She tried so hard to make it work but maybe he isn't trying hard enough. Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

Cancer (m) tiredly replied: "If I was having issues, of course I'd tell you. I'm just taking a break fro-" She quickly interjected.

"You've been taking a break for a week already and all you've done is complain about everything I do for you. I cooked this whole week and cleaned the house and today I bought you flowers.You've done nothing for me this whole week."

She sighed. "I'm sorry I'm breaking up with you. Maybe it's about time that I find a girlfriend. Men care too much about gender roles. You've got a week to pack up, Cancer (m)."

He started at her with his mouth gaping then started walking towards his room. "Fine."

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